Displaying All Posts tagged with promotion

The 3 Best Ways to Become the “Go to Guy”

The 3 Best Ways to Become the “Go to Guy”

If you are one of the many people who feel their career is in a rut and that it might be time for a promotion or raise, then it is time for you to become the “Go to Guy”. But why would you want to do that?

  • The Go to Guy is the person that your boss and colleagues know they can turn to whenever they need advice — or just need to get something accomplished.
  • The Go to Guy is indispensable (therefore, powerful) in the greater scheme of office politics.
  • The Go to Guy can leverage his superior’s opinions towards projects, inter-departmental promotions, and raises.

The best part is with good, old-fashioned hard work and initiative you can be the Go to Guy. You can make the leverage work for you. Here are the top three ways to shine above the rest.

1. Volunteer for Everything

There are several ways that volunteering can help elevate you above the rest. Volunteers are already in short supply. Many avoid volunteering because it means doing more work for no pay. This is why every organization needs solid and dependable volunteers for many tasks. Whatever you do, do not get caught up in that frame of thought. The benefits of volunteering come back to you in spades. It may not be the same as a paycheck, but in the end volunteering will pay greater…and in dividends.

The first way to volunteer is the simplest — and always seen. Whenever there is an opportunity to take on more work, take it on and do an awesome job. Go “above and beyond” in your volunteer efforts. Your boss will take notice of this and place additional confidence in you. He will see your commitment and zeal in the volunteer efforts and transfer that image to his ideas of your normal work. The bonus here is that any positive feelings and thoughts he has at this point are multiplied due to the fact that you are generously volunteering your time to help the company. While this does mean more work for you, the sacrifice will definitely give boost your career and overall inter-office image.
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Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

Boost Your Confidence with 1 Thing

Admit it, you’re in a funk and feeling a lack of motivation or excitement for your career right now.

You rationalize that your job isn’t that bad.

You tell yourself you just need to pay your dues to get where you want to be.

When you feel like things are out of your control, it’s easy to simply ignore the problem and try to focus on football or throw yourself into fun plans with your friends.

If you’re honest with yourself, then you’ll realize the constant fun and ignoring the direction you are going in your life doesn’t really bring you pleasure.

There is a way to get out of the rut and boost your confidence, without waiting for things to magically fall into place. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Ways to Accelerate Your Career

6 Ways to Accelerate Your Career

Admit it … you’re angry.

You’ve worked long hours, taken on extra assignments and attended office parties. Your boss said he or she liked your work, even hinted at an imminent promotion. But when the time came, the prize went to your coworker.

High fives, pats on the back and congratulatory emails fly around your office. You keep a stiff upper lip and even offer your congratulations. Inside you’re seething. The promotion should have been yours.

And you ask yourself, why are they better than me?

Or has my boss just been pacifying me so I would work harder and sacrifice my personal life?

You pack up your laptop and pass your colleagues on their way to get a celebratory drink. It feels like you are the out part of the in crowd. As you lay awake at night, you worry that your career has gone stagnant. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Discuss Salary with Coworkers

How to Discuss Salary with Coworkers

This article is not about asking for a raise.

It’s not about suing your employer.

Nor is it about negotiating a salary during a job interview.

It’s about the best ways to navigate the delicate topic of salaries when it inevitably comes up among coworkers.

Despite what you may have heard, it’s not something to avoid, just something to do with savvy. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

Plenty of people will tell you the hardest part of being a content producer in the digital age is coming up with an original story or angle.

Everything’s been covered already, they say.

But they’re missing the key point: You can have the most original content on the Internet, but if you don’t market your work effectively, no one will read it.

Yes, the trickiest part of writing online is actually getting your voice heard by real people without paying for artificial users. Luckily, the Internet has some great content marketing solutions. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Rock Your Next Review

How to Rock Your Next Review

I have worked at a number of different companies, both large and small. Today I run my own business.

The company I founded came into existence based on frustrations I experienced working in a corporate environment.

Between bureaucracy and my own lack of relevant training, I became disappointed and disenchanted with the employee review process.

Whether you’re new to the working world, or someone who’s been around the block a time or two, I bet we have something in common.

We’re not sure how to appropriately prepare for employee reviews, and further, we’re not certain we have the Jedi mind skills to chart the course of our professional destiny. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Beliefs Limiting Your Success

5 Beliefs Limiting Your Success

A few days ago, I was introduced to a talented executive I’ll call Edward, who was brimming with potential.

He was a results-oriented, driven self-starter who had aspirations to advance in his career.

He was bright, attractive, and able to come up with innovative, yet practical ideas with ease.

However, while he had a lot of strengths, it quickly became evident that he overplayed some of them into weaknesses.

For example, he was so focused on winning that I began to feel as though every interchange we had was a competition in which he was trying to show me how intelligent he was. The more I talked to him, the more I realized that unless he was open to some serious coaching, his attitudes would make it difficult for him to realize his vast potential.

In my role as a corporate psychologist, I work with a host of talented professionals like Edward who are eager to make the most of themselves in order to grow their businesses and advance in their careers. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Traits to Adopt For Success

5 Traits to Adopt For Success

In his book The Corner Office and his popular New York Times Sunday Business column of the same name, Adam Bryant interviewed more than 70 CEOs from major international corporations to find out their secret to success.

What he found was that they shared a number of key qualities that propelled them to leadership roles and their seat in the corner office.

Those five qualities are passion and curiosity, battled-hardened confidence, team smarts, a simple mindset, and fearlessness.

1. Passion and Curiosity

Bryant calls this a deep sense of engagement with the world, and the leaders he spoke with all had a questioning mind and were acutely interested in people, ideas and things.

It is much more than curiosity — it is a desire to figure out how things work and how they can be made better.

It is also the combination of curiosity and passion because on their own they won’t bring that synergy that’s needed for great leadership.

2. Confidence

The confidence that he heard from CEOs is about developing a track record of overcoming adversity so that you know what you’re capable of.

This is important. At certain points in our lives we find ourselves put on the hot seat in stressful situations, and we need to know that we can handle it.

Out of those experiences comes the confidence that they would know what to do in all sorts of business situations — this confidence carries them through.

3. Team Smarts

Team smarts refers to more than being able to be a good manager or coach, although that is important too. It’s another level down where a leader knows the inner dynamics of a team and how to get the best out of everyone.

The smartest and most successful CEOs know and can easily recognize the soft levers of power and how to tap into them to ensure success.

The best can not only make the official org chart work for them but the informal leadership be part of their team as well.

4. Simplicity

Simplicity is not simple-mindedness but the capacity to take complex ideas or problems and distill them down to one of two key points that everyone can understand.

As human beings we can only process a couple of ideas at a time, so we need leaders who can help us take the twelve organizational priorities down to a few simple and easy-to-follow directions.

This helps build teamwork and cohesiveness in the organization and allows all employees to focus on what is really important.

5. Fearlessness

This doesn’t mean making decisions without proper care and concern, but it does mean a bias towards action. It is a willingness to take risks and to sometimes see that things need to be completely overhauled in order to be successful in the future.

In today’s fast-paced business environment you just can’t afford to wait too long if a product or service isn’t taking off. You may need to kill the organization’s pet project in order to save the rest of the enterprise.

Even when things are working well, the fearless leader is not afraid to blow it up in order to make it bigger or better.

Do you have what it takes to get to the corner office? If you want to be a successful CEO, you might want to think about developing some of these key qualities the CEO’s that Adam Bryant interviewed have. That’s why they’re sitting in the corner office.