Displaying All Posts tagged with slidedeck

Top 10 Powerpoint Resume Presentations on Slideshare

As the landscape of job hunting changes, so does the way job hunters need to present themselves. While the traditional written resume is going to be a staple for most, there are others who have taken it upon themselves to enhance their resumes through unique design implementation or delivery method.

Bringing your resume to life with a slidedeck is becoming increasingly popular. We’ve highlighted the top 10 PowerPoint resume presentations on Slideshare below to give you an idea of what you can do to elevate your resume — and land that next gig.
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Top 10 Coolest PowerPoint Slideshows on Slideshare

Top 10 Coolest PowerPoint Slideshows on Slideshare

As the World’s Best Presentation contest on SlideShare comes to a close, we thought we’d share with you our thoughts on the top ten coolest PowerPoint slideshows. We’ve already featured Jesse DesJardins — and he sets the bar pretty high — so while he’s not on this list, you should check out his work. It was used as a benchmark of sorts when this list was put together.

The “coolness” factor is based no information given and in the manner in which it is delivered. There’s a mix of traditional presentations along with some of the more “graphical” ones that are becoming very popular. Since the hallmark of a great presentation is for it to convey a message on its own, we’re going to let each one do just that.

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