If your job has you on the road, you have to be on the ball about taking care of yourself, otherwise a few months into a heavy business travel circuit will leave you baggy eyed, flabby, and exhausted, with a messy apartment on top of it. You can beat the stress and maintain optimum health and sanity by recognizing the common business travel pitfalls, and then learning how to avoid them. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:A Mobile Lifestyle for a Smoother Work Life

The commute is killing you, the caffeine has you on edge and the shirt and tie is getting you hot under the collar. And that’s before we even mention the workload.
Modern life is a demanding beast and if you’re looking to manage your work life better, there’s one thing you need: Mobile broadband.
So how does a little thing like a dongle or a smartphone solve all of that? Remember when you used to stand in line for your morning coffee and look at the girl with headphones, her laptop and mug and think “she’s not really working”? Maybe there was a time she wasn’t, but today you can bet that she is working in an environment she likes. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:How to be Productive and Still Get 8 Hours Sleep

Yes, you read that right. Productive people sleep eight hours a day. They also watch tv, go to wine tastings and perform sun salutations in the morning.
Productive people don’t have more hours in the day. Nor do they live perfect lives. What they do well is use their time effectively.
Here’s what I learned from years of going to graduate school while holding a full time job as a journalist and still having a life: Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:be productive, how to become productive, productive, how to productive, productive sleep, to be productive
Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Though many people dream of working designing their own work schedule and getting projects done in their pajamas, working from home isn’t always a picnic. Yet, if you have taken the telecommuter option or have embarked upon a home-based business, here are a few tips to keep you sane, thriving, and productive on the home front.
Set Up Your Working Space
Though the basement level of your home may seem like the ideal place to set up your home office, if there’s no sunlight and it’s cold and musty, chances are you won’t be very productive there. The kitchen table isn’t a great option either—constant traffic and homework mixed in with your work files doesn’t contribute to your productivity. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:how to stay sane, how to stay sane working from home, how to keep sane, how to stay social while working from home
6 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Commute
The daily commute to and from work can be a drag. Given the state of the job market, some workers are commuting more than an hour a day. But let’s get this: Our ride time shouldn’t necessarily be our dead time.
6 Ways to Make Most Out of Your Commute
Despite what many think, long, dull commutes can be made interesting and productive. Here are six tips on how to increase your productivity en route and make the most of your commute to work: Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:yhs-sgm_fb, productive commute, best ways to make commuting to work better
Workaholic Anonymous – 5 Steps to Stop
Spotting an alcoholic or drug addict is so easy, but have you realized that you could be sitting right next to a workaholic and not notice him or her at all?
Sometimes, we don’t have to look far to discover that we ourselves are addicted to work—somehow the addiction snuck in while we were busy working.
Some people are surprised to hear that work could indeed be addicting. “Oh, there’s nothing like working too much,” or “Me? I am just working hard! Isn’t it the right thing?” Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:how to stop being a workaholic, workaholic, Workaholics, workaholic anonymous, stop being a workaholic, stop being a work alcoholic, how to not be a workaholic, how to stop being workaholic
Perception – Key to Inner Peace
I’ve come to believe our perception at work and life in general carries a great deal of importance.
Many years ago while striving to climb the “corporate ladder to success”, my boss asked me to meet with him privately, in a very serious, foreboding tone of voice.
I immediately scoured my mind for reasons, or any of my actions that may have prompted this out of the ordinary request, fearing something terrible had occurred unknowingly to me, and walked into his office with more than a heightened sense of apprehension. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:perception, how to change perception at work, importance of perception in the workplace, perception in the workplace articles, why is perception important in the workplace
Networking Tips for Freelancers

The idea of working at home is a dream for a lot of people and for good reason. Let’s face it: Who doesn’t like the idea of staying indoors in a nice warm house on a cold snowy winter day when everyone else is scraping ice off their windows so they can make a long slow commute during rush hour?
Problem is, there are some downsides to working at home, and I’m not talking about the obvious ones such as getting distracted or trying to constantly get away from home and work. I’m talking about something that can seriously hurt your professional career if you let it.
In business, it’s all about who you know and who you can call when you need a favor; you can’t put a price on having a good friend in your industry who will help you out in a jam. Networking is not hard if you work in a large office building with lots of people around who you talk to daily or at least occasionally. Working at home however is another story. Click Here to Read Article …
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