Displaying All Posts tagged with work

6 Tips to Get What You Want

6 Tips to Get What You Want

The one comment almost every teacher made about me on my report card was that I talk too much, and it’s a comment I still occasionally get from friends and family.

It’s true — I love to talk, and I’ll talk to anyone that’s happy to engage in conversation.

There did used to be one specific circumstance that would make me shut up though — having to speak to my boss.

Small talk was fine, but when it came to actually talking about the things that mattered I would become tight-lipped, because I was worried about saying the wrong thing.

Here’s the thing though: If you can’t speak up about where you want your career to head, you’ll never reach your full potential. If you can’t question the way things are done, you’ll end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. Click Here to Read Article …

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If You Care About People, The Medical Field Needs You More Than Ever

If You Care About People, The Medical Field Needs You More Than Ever

About a year ago, a thousand kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up.

As with all surveys, this one leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions. Just over half the respondents provided the top ten jobs.

We do not know anything about the income bracket or level of diversity the kids represented.

The gender mix could have been extremely lopsided. We just don’t know.

That said, the responses were still worthy of consideration. Broken down by gender, doctor was at the top of both lists. I looked at a lot of lists from a lot of sources. Though not always #1, it seems there is still a lot of momentum for the healthcare profession. An awful lot of kids want to be doctors when they grow up. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Find Motivation at Work

5 Ways to Find Motivation at Work

Are you sleepwalking through your workday? You’re not alone.

Studies show that scores of employees aren’t actively engaged at work for a variety of reasons, which results in poor productivity and a sinking bottom line.

The ownership of employee engagement typically starts at the top.

Executive leadership and management should take responsibility for establishing a positive culture by understanding what motivates employees and by taking steps to cultivate an enthusiastic workforce.

Employee engagement is a two-way street, but what can you do if your employer is not doing its fair share? Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Do Your Best Work

4 Ways to Do Your Best Work

There is a great little book about life and living called The Four Agreements. It is a New York Times bestseller by the Toltec Indian teacher and spiritual guide by Don Miguel Ruiz.

It features four simple agreements that if you practice them regularly, will improve your life and living. One of them, the fourth actually, is Always Do Your Best.

This agreement, which you make with yourself, allows all the other positive things that you do in life to become more effective and to reach their full potential so that you can live a happy and contented life.

But you can also utilize this agreement to make the most of your time at work. And since you spend a third of your life there, the practices that you introduce at work will spill over to help you make the most of the rest of your life as well. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Tips to Calm Anxiety at Work

4 Tips to Calm Anxiety at Work

We all get a bit nervous or anxious at work sometimes. Deadlines, extra work and then more work on top of that can make anyone feel stressed out.

But as anyone who has ever suffered from anxiety or a panic attack can tell you, acute anxiety is a completely different story.

A small percentage of people all over the world have a serious problem with anxiety. They suffer from a medical condition that will require professional assessment and treatment.

But many more of us are affected by milder forms of general anxiety that can feel bad at the time but often pass quickly. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Ways to Solve Your Problem

Some problems just won’t go away.

No matter what we try, they are like the Energizer Bunny: They keep going and going and going!

The good news is that there just may be a way to resolve that problem once and for all.

In fact there may be many solutions.

Here are 10 different ways to help you think about and resolve your most difficult problems. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Make Money While Writing

I’ve spent a lot of my adult life fretting about jobs, having job openings called to my attention, feeling a reflexive jolt of recognition at the sight of any “Help Wanted” sign.

I’ve often felt I was re-inventing the wheel and constantly redefining what I wanted to be when I grew up. That’s a sad state of affairs for someone with a guiding passion — writing — that is as well-defined, and that I’ve followed as faithfully, as the life’s work of anyone I know.

I’ve always said writers have to have two jobs. A doctor or engineer or school teacher find that their self-realization and bread-winning vocation are one in the same.

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5 Secrets to Sparking Your Creativity

5 Secrets to Sparking Your Creativity

Gretchen Rubin, the author of the highly successful book The Happiness Project spent a year trying to figure out what made her happy.

One of her conclusions was that following her passions, instead of curbing her impulses to be creative, brought her much closer to that elusive goal.

In order to do that, she designed several ways to help spark her creativity on a regular basis. They include taking notes and making random lists, poking around the Internet and visiting strange locations that seem to attract her.

You can spark your own creativity by trying out some of her ideas, or maybe some of these five other ways to get your imagination and creativity flowing. Click Here to Read Article …