Whether you’re a blogger, a designer, a photographer or just someone who needs high quality royalty-free photos, Depositphotos will be your new go-to. With well over 7 million files online, and over 100,000 being uploaded weekly, you’re sure to find any photo that you desire. From vector images to professional photographs, there is something for everyone – even if you speak one of the 14 languages the website supports.
For the Photo Seekers
With an abundance of photos in stock, there needs to be a succinct and easy-to-navigate process in place. Depositphotos does this, and they do it well. There are a number of avenues for you to search from, all of which are easy to find and use.
- Browse by category: Over 30 categories ranging from architecture to professions.
- Tabbed browsing: Within your home dashboard is a tabbed box where you can look at photos via Newest Uploads, Best Sales, Tag Cloud and Lightboxes.
Payment Options
Whether you’re an avid downloader or a one-time user, you’ll find a payment option that works for you. Depositphotos.com does an above average job of offering a variety of options to fit the needs of each and every potential customer.
- Free trial: For the skeptic, there is a free trial lasting for 7 days. Within the trial period you can download 5 photos a day.
- Subscription plans: If you plan to use the site frequently, you can opt for a subscription payment plan. This allows you to buy your credits in batches of days, months or a year.
- Credit plans: Don’t be tied down to a time period; instead, buy credits for a dollar a piece.
Account features
After signing up for an account, you have access to the entire photo library. The main menu of your dashboard drops down where you’ll find your “Buyer Menu;” convenient for those who will be frequenting the site. Here you can manage a variety of options quickly and easily. You can also access this area from the tab next to “Home” on the main page.
- Purchase history: See your purchased images, invoices, current subscription and remaining credits.
- Profile: Create a profile for yourself where you can have an image, basic information and a list of your referrals to the site.
For the Photo Sellers
Depositphotos.com is not only for those seeking photos, but for those looking to sell as well. While most of the site is similar to other stock photo sites in style, categories and setup, they deviate from the norm with how they treat their contributors.
- Process: Uploading your photos is actually the opposite of a grueling process – with a few clicks you’re in, uploaded, tagged and out. A review by Microstockinsider.com revealed, “There is no button to ‘process uploads,’ no clicking a button to copy over IPTC keywords into a list of keywords, and no pointless screens with ‘Thank you for your submission click back to submit more images.’”
- Levels: Qualified based on quality, there are five levels a photographer can fall under, ranging from Green to Platinum. The higher level, the more you photos cost.
- Payment: Royalties are earned based upon your love and the number of sales. The percentage starts at 44% for non-exclusive members and goes up to 60% for those who are exclusive.
- Terms: Will you be a significant contributor? Get involved in their Special Program for Large Contributors and you can negotiate the terms.
With no drawbacks, it’s safe to say this two-year old company is well on its way to stealing the stage in the stock photo industry. The process is seamless for everyone who may need to use Depositphotos and their numerous options makes it a perfect fit for almost anyone.
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