Our next release from Rockable Press is approaching, and we’re pretty excited about it! We wanted to let you know before it hits and make sure you’re prepared. Sometime next week, Rockstar Presentations: Tips, Techniques and Terrible Truths by author Joseph Lewis will be available to buy as an eBook or paperback.
Lewis is an experienced writer and veteran of presentations, and is one of our own WorkAwesome writers since launch who has posted regularly on the subject of delivering effective presentations.
Here’s some more about Rockstar Presentations from the back blurb:
In Rockstar Presentations, author Joseph Lewis shares tips, tricks and wisdom on public speaking with no fear, no cue cards and no worries!
Whether you’re giving a blockbuster keynote or teaching a handful of co-workers how to do something cool, this book was written for you.
You’ll learn:
- Why everything you’ve heard about avoiding stage fright is wrong
- How not to fail at PowerPoint
- The secret techniques separating awesome presenters from the rest
- How you can use the same strategies employed by Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill to give great presentations
There’s no exact date for the launch yet, but it will be sometime next week. For immediate notification of the launch and a limited-time discount code for the book, sign-up for the Rockin’ List today.