Displaying All Posts tagged with clutter in home office

Is Your Home Office Leaving a Bad Impression?

For over 30 years, I have not had what most people would consider to be a “normal” office.

I’ve been in basements, rented office space (which I only used in the middle of the night when no one else was there), and the thing we are now seeing more and more—the home office, which is what I currently use. I absolutely love my home office.

But how do you know that what works for you will also work for others? This won’t be true for everyone who runs a business out of their house, but many will, at some point, host meetings with clients or partners and possibly share their home office space with coworkers. When the time comes, your home office needs to be equipped to serve as a proper working environment for these occasions — and not leave a bad impression! Click Here to Read Article …

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