Displaying All Posts tagged with gmail labs

Awesome Links #39: Human Nature, Smart Labels, Tumblr Guide

What the Science of Human Nature Can Teach Us
An intriguing article from The New Yorker that talks about the science of human nature and what exactly makes us happy. Turns out that socializing with people is an integral part of the equation.

New in Gmail Labs: Smart Labels
The Gmail team has launched what they call “Smart Labels”, a feature that can automatically organize your incoming emails and put them into appropriate labels. Part of Gmail Labs, this feature could greatly enhance email productivity — if it works as well as it sounds.

Understanding – and Maximizing – Your Brain’s Reward and Planning System
An interesting article over at the Intrinsic Motivation and Magical Unicorns blog at Psychology Today magazine. It gives a deep insight into the brain’s reward system and how you can actually use it to your benefit in order to get motivated and excel at seemingly mundane tasks. Well worth a look.
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