Displaying All Posts from October, 2017

Saving on the Costs to Run Heavy Machinery

Saving on the Costs to Run Heavy Machinery

Heavy machinery is costly for any company that needs to deploy it. Moving it can require separate trucking and use always carries a cost downstream. Planning ahead for the worst case scenario is a smart idea, but there are small steps you can take every day to ensure equipment lasts well into the future.

More Durable Equipment

One of the best ways to cut costs is by ensuring that the parts most at risk for wear over time remain strong for as long as possible. It’s unreasonable to stop work or to try alternative methods to reduce degradation, but an overlay plate could add extra layers of durability.

Plating your materials, and your machinery, allows it to last far longer under intense conditions. Some plating can withstand extreme heat, while other forms are built for heavy impact or resistance to abrasion. Whatever the primary source of degradation, you can find a way to protect from it and extend the life of parts. Weigh the costs of reinforcing your machinery with better equipment and you may find the difference in yearly repairs is less. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Ways to Keep Good Employees

3 Ways to Keep Good Employees

They say that good help is hard to find. And while that is very true, it is even truer that good help is hard to keep. It becomes even more true when it is referring to startups. And that is just one of the challenges startups have to face. By its very nature, a startup is an unproven venture. Quality help will want certain assurances such as:

  • There will be ongoing work tomorrow, and into the future
  • They will be paid adequately, and on time
  • There is room to grow with the company

Startups can’t really promise any of that. They are surviving on venture capitol, one round at a time. If you are going to convince a top engineer working for one of the major tech companies to jump ship and work for you, there are some things you will need to have in your favor.

You will need a big idea that feels like an inevitable sure thing. Or, you will need an important idea that makes other jobs seem trivial by comparison. And even with those things, you are going to need a heck of a sales pitch that allows your prospective employee to catch the vision you have for the future.
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Why Brand Consistency Matters

Why Brand Consistency Matters

Although branding is a word often used in marketing, its meaning has changed over time. Initially, it was used by cattle ranchers to identify their cattle.

Later, it was somewhat synonymous with “trademark,” a label to inform a consumer about the manufacturer of a product. For instance, Coca-Cola is a carbonated beverage made by the Coca-Cola Company.

In today’s world, branding has acquired an even more subtle meaning: it’s a way of influencing perception. For instance, Coca-Cola is not just the name of a soda. It’s a carbonated beverage that offers the distinct flavor and taste of a secret formula patented by the Coca-Cola Company. A branded name is now associated with the unique qualities of a product.

Once you understand that branding is linked to consumer perception, one shaped through public relation and advertising campaigns, it becomes clear why maintaining brand consistency, especially for companies just starting out. Click Here to Read Article …

No Patience for Patients? Here are the Medical Jobs for You

No Patience for Patients? Here are the Medical Jobs for You

The medical field is one of the most sought after career paths in the world. If you think about the job most associated with helping other people, a physician will likely be the first thing that comes to mind. Becoming a doctor is one of the noblest things a person can do with their lives.

It is also one of the better-paying jobs you can do regardless of where in the world you happen to live. While it is true that some lineman whose name you don’t know, on a losing NFL team, with a mediocre career likely makes more than the average doctor, that player’s career will be short and brutish. And at the end of it, he will need to spend what money he has saved on seeing a good doctor.

Not only is being a doctor a noble job and one of the highest paying jobs, it is also one of the most respected jobs. There is much esteem associated with saving lives. That said, there are many people who would love to contribute to that cause, but who have an aversion to close contact with, well, people. The good news is that there are many ways to contribute to the healing arts without becoming a doctor. Here are 5.

1. Pharmacist

You probably felt like a pharmacist the first time you used one of those online pill identifier tools to help a loved one figure out what those pills were. You know, the ones in the bottle with the worn out label. It is the feeling you get when you help someone sort out a medical issue without the 12 years of school.

That feeling might lead you to pursue formal pharmacy career training. The average annual salary for a pharmacist is over $112,000. Click Here to Read Article …