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5 Mistakes Successful Startups Avoid

5 Mistakes Successful Startups Avoid

In the fast-spinning and unpredictable business world, there are some common mistakes startups make.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50 percent of the small businesses fail within the first five years.

Your new business venture is more like a journey where you go along a rocky road filled with landmines — one wrong step and you’re out.

Beginning stages are exciting, but then the majority of these blunders are made in early days. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Ways to Create a Memorable Brand

10 Ways to Create a Memorable Brand

Maybe you’re a business owner looking to get more exposure for your startup.

Perhaps you’re a budding internet marketer with dreams of ruling the Internet.

No matter how different from the next guy you may be, you have one thing in common: You want your brand to get recognized — to improve brand awareness.

Here are 10 tips to help you establish brand recognition, regardless of what industry you’re in. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Make More Money with Your E-Commerce Store

5 Ways to Make More Money with Your E-Commerce Store

Britons are the biggest online spenders in Europe, with predictions of an average $1,800 per person to be spent shopping across the Internet in 2015.

That’s a year-on-year rise of 16 percent, pushing online retail sales in the U.K. to $80 billion.

The U.S. and Canadian markets can expect a similar rise.

But do you feel that your e-commerce site isn’t allowing you to get your hands on a share of this market due to poor performance?

Giving your customers the chance to buy your products online is one thing – but is your site letting you down when it comes to converting visits to sales?

Here are five ways of making sure your e-commerce site is up to scratch. Click Here to Read Article …

The Best Software to Integrate Video Conferencing Into Your Office

The Best Software to Integrate Video Conferencing Into Your Office

If your business has any remote workers, the ability to communicate with your employees is an integral part of your success.

All of your workers are going to need to be up-to-date on topics discussed during meetings as well as informed of company goals and their responsibilities in achieving them.

Unfortunately, communicating this amount of information to all of your remote workers who may live in different time zones or have different schedules can quickly turn into a chore.

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution that is well within the reach of any business owner.

Video conferencing is by far the easiest way to make sure your remote employees have all of the information they need to succeed in your company, as it allows them full access to your company’s meetings wherever they are. Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Tips to Keep Employees Happy

10 Tips to Keep Employees Happy

As job-hopping millennials infiltrate the workforce, employers need to be aware of the value of keeping their employees happy.

Considering the time and money investments associated with the hiring and training processes, it makes much more sense to keep current employees than take on the challenge of bringing in new ones.

So how do you keep employees happy?

The best place to start for employers is to understand why people quit their jobs and, conversely, what makes people stay. Click Here to Read Article …

What Does An MBA Graduate Do: The Sky’s The Limit

What Does An MBA Graduate Do: The Sky’s The Limit

At some point in their careers, an artist realizes they have to operate their creative endeavors like a business.

They can’t be artists if they don’t sell a product or a service that generates enough profit for them to remain artists.

Every artist may be at the center of their being an artist, but they still need a bit of business acumen to get them through the month.

This same sensible consideration applies to almost any enterprise mankind takes on. Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

Technology has changed a lot in the past 20 years and it’s important for business owners to change with it.

However, there is always a need to use caution when deciding whether or not to adopt new technology.

Some things never become as popular as they were supposed to be (e.g. QR codes).

At other times some ideas take off but are then quickly replaced by something better (e.g. fax or pager marketing).

Some business owners still employ this type of caution when making a decision on social media, wondering if all the money they put into social media marketing will become useless in just a few years.

The time has come to abandon any worry that social media is just a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon. There is a lot of data that shows social media is a vital part of the way we communicate and engage with others and learn about new things. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Timesaving Tips for Better Social Media Marketing

5 Timesaving Tips for Better Social Media Marketing

You know how it is.

One minute you’re on your well-deserved lunch break, your finger poised to point your mouse into the internet abyss.

The next minute, it’s an hour later, and you’re happily on your third cat-in-a-costume-riding-a-roomba video.

Where on earth did the afternoon go?!

Welcome to the world of social media — a vast and seemingly endless space into which your free time can merrily get sucked, while you wave goodbye to your productivity.

Whether you love it (gleefully snapping every tasty morsel that passes your lips) or loathe it (and are sick of the sight of selfies), one thing’s for sure: You can’t ignore it. Click Here to Read Article …

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