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Advertiser Accolades

A site like this isn’t just fuelled by readers like yourselves — it’s also due to the support we have from our awesome advertisers. We take the time to show our readers appreciation through regular Follow Friday shout-outs on Twitter and the like, so we’re going to take the time here to show our gratitude to our advertisers… Click Here to Read Article …

Awesome Links #21: Checkboxes, Winterize Your Body, Focus

It’s time for another edition of Awesome Links – where WorkAwesome offers a quick glimpse at some informative and inspiring articles on the web that have caught our attention. Click Here to Read Article …

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Free Online Writing Courses to Enhance Your Writing Skills

If you are looking to polish your writing skills but don’t want to pay for a professional course then you might want to check out this nice collection of free online writing courses put together by Laura from Freelance Folder. It includes courses from reputed sources like MIT, HP Learning Center and About.com. There are courses on grammar, technical writing, journalism, writing for the web and more. Click Here to Read Article …

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Awesome Links #20: Evil Apps, Halloween Playlists, DIY House Decoration

Welcome to the special Halloween edition of awesome links. Happy Halloween! Click Here to Read Article …

Stepcase Lifehack on Spending More Time with Kids

If you usually find yourself too busy to play that game of Scrabble with your kid that he has been wanting to play with you forever, or you’ve missed more parent-teacher meetings in the school than you can count, then it’s obvious that your kids are not getting the time and attention from you they deserve. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Get Motivated in the Morning

Do you find hard to motivate yourself at the start of your day? Ever want to start the day awesomely productive, but starting that first task seems daunting…so you procrastinate? Of course – we all have that problem at one point or another.

Well, you’re in luck, because you can start your day encouraged and motivated.

And the good news is it doesn’t involve any sort of wishy-washy new-age pap. It amounts to a pure practical principle preached positively (say that three times fast). Click Here to Read Article …

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Lumosity Brain Trainer Developer Joe Hardy on Brain Games

“Work smarter, not harder” is a common aphorism used by those in constant pursuit of productivity. Generally, it cautions you to avoid hyper-focusing on the work itself, and to make conscious choices about exactly how you are working.

Of course, focusing on both your work and your approach can be a difficult game of mental juggling. Often, you have to simply “be smarter” if you want to “work smarter”. Becoming smarter is not quick and easy, but it’s not impossible either. In fact, a lot of new studies are suggesting that you’re not stuck with the brain that you were born with, and that you can develop your brain much like you’d develop your muscles; with increasingly harder workouts. Click Here to Read Article …

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Awesome Links #19: Email Security Tips, Writing Tips and More

Gmail Security Checklist: Something Everyone Should Know About

The Gmail team recently launched a security checklist which they recommend each Gmail user to go through. I’d recommend that even if you use any other email service (or client), you should go through this. Not only does it suggest email specific security measures, there are suggestions on overall computer and cyber security, on secure browsing and more. Nothing extraordinary, but useful nonetheless. Click Here to Read Article …

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email security tips