Displaying All Posts in the Marketing category

5 Ways to Make More Money with Your E-Commerce Store

5 Ways to Make More Money with Your E-Commerce Store

Britons are the biggest online spenders in Europe, with predictions of an average $1,800 per person to be spent shopping across the Internet in 2015.

That’s a year-on-year rise of 16 percent, pushing online retail sales in the U.K. to $80 billion.

The U.S. and Canadian markets can expect a similar rise.

But do you feel that your e-commerce site isn’t allowing you to get your hands on a share of this market due to poor performance?

Giving your customers the chance to buy your products online is one thing – but is your site letting you down when it comes to converting visits to sales?

Here are five ways of making sure your e-commerce site is up to scratch. Click Here to Read Article …

Wanna Be a Freelance Writer? Be a Brand Journalist

Wanna Be a Freelance Writer? Be a Brand Journalist

Companies once reached their audience by saying, “Buy Arco pancake mix. It makes good pancakes.”

And then came television commercials that promoted a lifestyle.

Then there was complex marketing research.

By the time Web 2.0 came along, the marketing intelligentsia on various brands tended to feel that any traditional advertising was a thing of the past and that telling a story was the way to reach people.

That is what brand journalism is all about, and it opens doors for freelance writers. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Tips for Writing Great Intros

3 Tips for Writing Great Intros

This is the best introduction I’ve ever written.

It’s surprising and unique.

It’s concise.

It doesn’t re-invent the wheel.

And because I’m telling you that these are the traits of a great intro paragraphs, it sets up the discussion.

I’m now ready to flesh out ways to write a great intro for a blog post or other web article. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

Plenty of people will tell you the hardest part of being a content producer in the digital age is coming up with an original story or angle.

Everything’s been covered already, they say.

But they’re missing the key point: You can have the most original content on the Internet, but if you don’t market your work effectively, no one will read it.

Yes, the trickiest part of writing online is actually getting your voice heard by real people without paying for artificial users. Luckily, the Internet has some great content marketing solutions. Click Here to Read Article …

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Is It Time For A Paradigm Shift In Marketing?

Is It Time For A Paradigm Shift In Marketing?

Problems can either destroy a business or an industry or give it insights on how to make positive changes.

Over time, these problem-solving insights tend to accumulate.

When they reach a certain threshold, this leads to innovation.

Then, over a longer period of time these innovations pile up.

This leads to paradigm shifts. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

Technology has changed a lot in the past 20 years and it’s important for business owners to change with it.

However, there is always a need to use caution when deciding whether or not to adopt new technology.

Some things never become as popular as they were supposed to be (e.g. QR codes).

At other times some ideas take off but are then quickly replaced by something better (e.g. fax or pager marketing).

Some business owners still employ this type of caution when making a decision on social media, wondering if all the money they put into social media marketing will become useless in just a few years.

The time has come to abandon any worry that social media is just a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon. There is a lot of data that shows social media is a vital part of the way we communicate and engage with others and learn about new things. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Timesaving Tips for Better Social Media Marketing

5 Timesaving Tips for Better Social Media Marketing

You know how it is.

One minute you’re on your well-deserved lunch break, your finger poised to point your mouse into the internet abyss.

The next minute, it’s an hour later, and you’re happily on your third cat-in-a-costume-riding-a-roomba video.

Where on earth did the afternoon go?!

Welcome to the world of social media — a vast and seemingly endless space into which your free time can merrily get sucked, while you wave goodbye to your productivity.

Whether you love it (gleefully snapping every tasty morsel that passes your lips) or loathe it (and are sick of the sight of selfies), one thing’s for sure: You can’t ignore it. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Restaurant

5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Restaurant

Running a successful restaurant involves a lot more than putting good food on a plate.

While the failure rate of new restaurants isn’t quite as bad as the popularly quoted 9 out of 10, the rate still hovers around a formidable 60% according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

We’ve all seen the flurry of television shows revolving around restaurant culture, everything from Restaurant Impossible and Restaurant Stakeout to Restaurant Takeover.

If you’re running a restaurant without the help of a professional TV crew, you might have to take matters into your own hands. Thankfully, marketing your restaurant is easier than you might think.

Here are five easy ways to promote your restaurant, from merchandizing with custom design sweatshirts to generating interest with regular promotions: Click Here to Read Article …

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social media restaurant