Keeping your employees productive is one of the most important parts of maintaining a profitable business.
Unfortunately, coordinating a large amount of people, keeping them on task and keeping them working to their full potential can quickly prove to be a challenging task no matter now skilled of a manager you happen to be.
But if your business has video conferencing abilities, you can greatly increase your productivity for almost no additional cost to your business.
If you don’t have video conferencing capabilities for your business yet, try researching Bluejeans, AdobeConnect or Cisco WebEx. All of the aforementioned services have their own pros and cons, so make sure to do your research before you invest into one.
If you would like to increase the profitability of your business, read through all of the tips outlined in the sections below. You might find some information that you haven’t considered before.
Short Video Meetings Are More Effective Than Long Group Calls
If you’re a business owner, chances are that you are searching high and low for a way to get more work done in less time. In a business setting, one of the easiest ways that you can do this is to phase out conference calls from your operation and replace them with video conference meetings.
Video conference meetings are superior to conference calls in every way imaginable. You can put information or graphics on display that everyone with access to the meeting can view and download at their leisure. The sound quality is also vastly improved, making it easier for everyone to hear you.
In fact, video conference calls can even be viewed on Internet-enabled portable smart devices. This means that no matter where your employees happen to be, you can more than likely give them access to your meetings.
This is a huge benefit if you work in an industry that requires flexibility. You will no longer have to spend time scheduling calls or sending e-mails — you can simply send invites to the meeting and get to work.
Your Meetings Should Be Short But Frequent
Everyone is limit in how long they can give someone/something their undivided attention. Keep this fact in mind when you’re scheduling a meeting, and use it to your benefit.
Rather than having a meeting that lasts four hours, try to have two meetings that both last two hours once or twice per week. If you have the available time and scheduling flexibility, you may even want to try to shorten your meetings to an hour in length each week or even more often if you can.
Shorter meeting can be a huge benefit to your company. Shorter meetings allow you to give clear and concise instructions to all of your employees as opposed to overburdening them with more information than they can realistically remember.
Giving short and concise instructions will insure that your employees will take significantly less time with the project, because they will spend less time having to hunt you down to ask questions or try to contact you for more information at a later date.
A Happy Employee Is A Productive Employee
If you’ve ever spent a significant amount of time traveling, then you know exactly how tiring it can be. Requiring your employees to be traveling constantly is a huge drain on their energy, and when they get back they may not be able to work to their full potential.
Coupled with the already incredibly expensive cost of travel, more often than not the benefits of sending your employee to meet with someone face-to-face is outweighed by how much you it can cost you after everything is said and done.
Thankfully, you can circumvent a significant amount of travel requirements through video conferencing services. Instead of sending an employee to meet with someone face-to-face, simply set up a video meeting through your preferred software.
Not only does it keep your employees happy, it will also be much cheaper in the long run.
Whether you’re using Blue Jeans HD video meetings, or you’ve chosen to go with a similar service such as AdobeConnect or Cisco WebEx, you can take advantage of all of the tips you found in this piece with video conferencing technology.
These tips are formulated to increase the effectiveness of your employees. Hopefully this article gave you some information on different ways that you can do this that you hadn’t considered before, and maybe even inspired you to come up with some of your own that weren’t featured on the list!
(Photo by Simon Blackley / CC BY)