If you are looking to quickly organize a meeting with colleagues, or may be meetup with old pals on the weekend, the following web based meeting planner software solutions are worth taking a look at.
NeedtoMeet is a really cool online meeting scheduler and organizer. Create a meeting, send across a link to the attendees, they select the time that suits them and you can see what would be the best time when everyone could attend the meetup. Simple and easy.
Doodle is another quick meeting organizing tool that lets you create polls and share it with friends who can then vote for the times they are likely to be available. It also offers a premium version with more features.
MeetWithAgenda, as the name suggests, lets you create a meeting agenda and invite participants. You can also enter the minutes of the meeting and share it with others using this tool.
Presdo differentiates itself by helping you quickly enter a schedule in informal language. It also integrates with Google Maps and popular Calendar apps.
Last but not the least, TimetoMeet lets everyone specify their availability times and the built-in calendar shows the overlapping time intervals which would help you choose the best time for the meeting.
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