Displaying All Posts tagged with balance

How to Create a Healthy Balance in Life

How to Create a Healthy Balance in Life

Editor’s note: This post is brought to you by Workspace.

When you live and breathe your own company, it can be an all-consuming process. The line in the sand between work and play is very much blurred and it is therefore important to create a healthy balance between the time you spend on your growing business and the time you enjoy with family and friends.

A fantastic work-life balance is arguably the holy grail of the modern working man or woman. Being able to juggle your professional and personal lives is a skill in itself. If you are struggling to do so and are striving for a successful balance, here are a few ideas to help you put it into action. Click Here to Read Article …

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Episode 18 – Jason Womack: Work Awesome Podcast

Episode 18 – Jason Womack: Work Awesome Podcast

On this week’s episode of the Work Awesome podcast (the first under new ownership, I might add), we start a new era. A new theme will greet listeners as they tune in, but a familiar voice can still be heard as host.

I continue my journey with this site in my new role as Podcast Prodigy, and every other week the Work Awesome podcast will bring tips, tricks, interviews and more. This week, I had the opportunity to speak with Jason Womack, noted productivity expert and author. Jason is one of the principals at The Womack Company, a company that aims to help those in all walks of business (and in life) “level up” their productivity.

Jason recently inked a book deal with Wiley Publishing, and his first book under its banner, Your Best Just Got Better, will hit bookshelves later in 2011.
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Get a Life! 7 Ways to Have a Social Life When Home is Your Office

There’s no doubt about it. Working from home can be a pretty sweet setup, with an array of privileges and perks.  So sweet, in fact, that it would take an act of God or near-death emergency to claw some of us from our comfy confines and our daily “uniform” of bunny slippers and lounging pajamas. True?

Still, getting out is good for us — like eating vegetables. Though many of us might argue that we do “socialize” via daily Twitter updates, Facebook entries and other online outlets, it’s not the same.

Occasional face to face activities help to preserve our social skills, enhance our conversational skills, gain support, relieve stress, improve the creative process, and maintain optimal fitness.

Here’s how some of these factors factor into the “quality of life” equation:


No matter how much your family or partner listens to your work-related woes and issues with clients, or how much they serve as your official cheer leading squad, no one quite “gets it” like a fellow entrepreneur, writer, or work at home mom. Connect with these like-minded individuals whether it’s at your local coffeehouse, neighborhood park, or bookstore. These in person gatherings can help give you insight into your problems, laughter when it’s needed, and moral support on a different level. Embrace it.
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WorkAwesome: The Best of 2010

It’s been a great 2010 at WorkAwesome. We’ve discussed everything from how to be more productive (no matter the time of day or situation), how to balance work with home life and offered ways to help you land that job you’ve been working toward. As 2010 comes to a close, we’d like to highlight some of the best posts WorkAwesome had to offer this year. Click Here to Read Article …

Awesome Links #2: Balanced Living, Productivity Apps

Today’s dads seek better work-life balance

In honor of Father’s Day, this article takes a look at how the new fathers of the day are meeting the responsibilities of the role both at home and at work.

App demo: Round the Clock

The Unofficial Apple Weblog gives us a sneak peek at an app called Round the Clock.  What this productivity app for all of Apple’s line of mobile devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) does is present all of your calendar information as a pie chart – and that’s just for starters.  It’s kind of like having a digital Muji Chronotebook at the ready.  It may not be for everyone, but the video is worth a look.

Freelancer’s Wishlist – Father’s Day Edition

Dads aren’t the easiest to shop for – I know, I’m one of them.  But sister site FreelanceSwitch has thoughts on what could be a solid (or solid-state) gift for the “freelance father” in your life!

Manymoon: Free Social Productivity, Project Management & Task Management

Fan of Google’s web apps?  Then Manymoon has a productivity solution that could be what you’ve been looking for…and it’s free.  Definitely something to check out if you (and your team) rely on having stuff in the “cloud.”

Lemonade: The Movie

This movie touches on what we’ve talked about in terms of  “dream jobs” here at WorkAwesome, but it also takes it a step further.  What if you were given a chance for a clean slate because you found yourself without a job altogether?  A pretty inspirng film – and fairly short as it clocks in at just over half an hour. Click Here to Read Article …

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