Displaying All Posts tagged with tips for startups

7 Tips for Aspiring Startups

7 Tips for Aspiring Startups

When you finally get the nerve to start your business, you want to be sure everything will work out in the best way.

Only five percent of those who want to start a business are able to make their dream come true.

Do you give up right after launching if your product isn’t a complete success?

Do you bail out if you lose money from month to month or stick with it, hoping that your idea will bring you millions one day?

If you’re asking yourself these questions, it means that you’re at the beginning of the long road to success, right where I was a year ago.

If you’re aware of these seven things I learned after the beginning of my business launch, you can turn your startup dream into a reality and resist the urge to give up in few months in. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Mistakes Successful Startups Avoid

5 Mistakes Successful Startups Avoid

In the fast-spinning and unpredictable business world, there are some common mistakes startups make.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50 percent of the small businesses fail within the first five years.

Your new business venture is more like a journey where you go along a rocky road filled with landmines — one wrong step and you’re out.

Beginning stages are exciting, but then the majority of these blunders are made in early days. Click Here to Read Article …