Being in a state of flow is something many of us strive to achieve. It’s a key element in becoming more productive. But what is flow?
Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.
Whatever we are doing seems easier and more enjoyable if we can achieve a state of flow while doing it. It’s more likely that we will achieve this state if we are doing something we enjoy, however I have found that it is possible to achieve a state of flow with tasks that I don’t usually enjoy — like ironing, for example.
I’m really not a fan of ironing.
Here are some of the ways that I have found that facilitate a state of flow:
Be Present
Being in the moment and just doing whatever it is that you are doing is incredibly powerful and is one of the easiest ways to access a state of flow. The present moment is all there really is anyway, so remind yourself of that regularly and bring that awareness to whatever you find yourself doing in any moment. When I think that I don’t like ironing, I am projecting past experiences and labels on to that activity. When I just pick up the iron and press it against the clothes on the ironing board and do what I need to do, I can be present and access that state of flow. I have actually done this on numerous occasions with ironing and found that I have actually really enjoyed the experience in the end!
Leave Yourself Enough Time
Following on from my last point, leaving yourself enough time means you won’t feel rushed or anxious while you are doing whatever it is you are doing. You will be able to concentrate fully and do the best you can do. Leaving yourself enough time to do everything in your life as much as possible, is a good practice to get into. It will enable you to be present and concentrate on whatever is in front of you and access that state of flow more regularly.
Do Similar Items Together
Rather than jumping from task to task, see where you can batch similar items together and set time aside to do them in one go. Sometimes we need to respond to different things at different times, but where possible see what tasks you can do together and schedule times to do them. It saves you running in circles and responding to everything that comes your way and will give you more focus and ultimately flow to what you are doing.
Practice Activities That Facilitate Flow
Intentionally setting out to create a state of flow helps enhance the chances of entering into it. There are certain activities that I know enable me to get into this state (blogging, running, painting) and doing these regularly help me to intentionally create that state of flow. Expect it and practice activities that enable you to access this state. The more used to entering this state you become, the easier it is to enter it again.
Meditation is a great way to directly access a state of flow and bring that mindset to your day to day life. There are lots of different methods and schools of thought which you can look into for yourself, but put simply, meditation is sitting quietly. If you haven’t meditated before, find 5 or 10 minutes a day and sit quietly. Don’t try and stop your thoughts, let them pass through your mind and observe them. Just this simple activity alone, will make a huge difference to your day to day life. It is an opportunity to disconnect from everything that is happening around you and will help you to flow through your day to day life.
Remove Distractions
Distractions inhibit flow. Wherever possible, see where you can remove distractions in order to concentrate fully on what you are doing. I am big fan of technology but sometimes we need to turn it off in order to get things done. Learn to be in charge of it, rather than the other way around. If you need to focus, switch off your phone, or alerts where possible and give yourself the opportunity to concentrate fully on what is in front of you. You could even set aside specific times to catch up on social media, and then achieve a state of flow with that.
Find A Challenge
Giving yourself a challenge or something new to learn is a great way to get yourself into a state of flow. When you are fully engaged in an activity time seems irrelevant. Your mind rises to the challenge and focuses on the matter in hand. Regularly push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new, whether it’s fitting a new light bulb or learning a new hobby. This helps you to keep an active mind and be fully engaged in the activity at hand.
(Image courtesy of the_tahoe_guy under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 generic license.)
how to achieve flow, how to be in flow, achieving flow, state of flow, how to flow, how to achieve flow state, flow meditation, how to get into flow state, achieve flow, achieving flow state
What helps me achieve a “state of flow” is to knock out the things I know I can finish first (inside of that day’s tasks). That makes me feel more accomplished, and then I feel better going into the bigger projects that sometimes feel more drug-out.
That’s a great point Jay. Getting tasks done early in the day is a great way to build momentum, which I have definately found to help me get into the flow.
Doing something new / challenging is definitely a way to get into flow but be careful not to bite off more than you can chew because that can quickly lead to being very distracting and disrupting to your productivy.
Very good point! It’s a fine balance between being engaged and overwhelmed, you gotta find that sweet spot!
“Rather than jumping from task to task, see where you can batch similar items together and set time aside to do them in one go”
This is the line that caught my eyes of all this interesting post.
I am a big fan of “single-tasking” opposed to the omnipresent multitasking of our modern times.
I believe focusing on single tasks (or, as you also put it, on a batch of similar tasks, like, emails for example) and exhausting *them* before moving on, is a key factor in achieving a high efficiency and productivity.
Hi Gabriele 🙂
I am glad you found this interesting and I’m with you on this one – single tasking makes life so much easier! I have to constantly battle with the habit of doing lots of things at once, but I am really finding myself more productive as a result.
This was an enjoyable and informative read. I really struggle with the meditation thing though; whenever I try it I end up devising a mental to-do list and contemplating the complexities of life.:-) Maybe next year,,,
Thanks Jennifer! Oh yes, I can really identify with what you shared about meditation! I really find a guided meditation CD helps me, as there is something to focus on other than my thoughts. Good luck with it!
This is what I was looking for, this article really inspired me. I’ll definitely try to meditate for 5 to 10 minutes daily.
That’s great to hear Mangesh! 🙂
Meditation is a state of flow. May I suggest the 20 free guided meditation tracks on my website. Even people who have difficulty meditating really take to these these guided yoga meditations. The shorter ones are great for beginners and are under Pranayama. The longer, popular guided meditations of Yoga Nidra, are under Meditation. The website does not sell anything or carry ads.
I do have a meditation CD/MP3 that just became available on CD Baby at cdbaby.com (will be available in a few days on Amazon, iTunes, and GooglePlay). The CD is titled “Being in Flow” and has four shorter meditations that range from 10-15 minutes with introductions. The tracks are Stress to Rest, Still Body Clear Mind, Insight into Problems, and Sound of Silence. They are all guided meditations based on Satyananda Yoga and are being used by college students, hedge fund/financial people, lawyers, seniors, cancer patients, everyone.
Great article Jen. I see I’m not the only one with a fascination for the flow state. Came across your blog post as I was doing some research. Happy flowing!