Information is a commodity — and in this thing called life that Shakespeare referred to as “a stage” there are no small roles, only small mindsets.
Whether your job is answering phones and addressing questions on the best way to send out a postal package, writing for a how-to blog, providing tax tips or dispensing advice to the lovelorn, folks depend on you and your expertise to guide their decisions, devise their “Plan B”, avoid mental wear and tear, and ultimately live better.
Why your role is relevant
Sure, millions of Americans have access to the Internet (as do other countries). But keep in mind that not everyone is computer literate. Not to mention that even for those that are computer-functional, online research for needed answers can be a bit daunting. And need I remind you that those of us from the “old school” prefer person to person contact when possible.
Still not convinced?
Here’s a perfect example. You watch the morning news to get “the 4-1-1” on the weather for your local area, so you plan your day accordingly. Your favorite meteorologist neglects to tell you that today there’ll be rain.
How bummed out will you be at the end of the day if you didn’t carry an umbrella, and got drenched while walking four blocks from your parked car to your morning business meeting? For many, a bad start sets the tone for the entire day.
Here’s another scenario: someone is given a mis-diagnosis from a doctor, or incomplete info to close on a mortgage loan for a home. Trust me…if you’re on the receiving end of it, it’s not a good place to be .
With this in mind, here are four quick tips to increase your value as an information broker:
- Recognize that any job worth doing is worth doing well. To quote an expression, “excellence is its own reward.”
- Get a clue. See the “big picture”. Know how your role impacts others internally and externally.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions to improve your efficiency. Many of us have worked in environments with a “sink or swim” work philosophy with inadequate training and skeletal crews. Strive to overcome it.
- Know that productivity without accuracy is like a bank account with a zero balance. Don’t just get through your day, get the most out of it!
Follow these four tips so that others can feel confident in “vesting” in you as a representative of your company.
(Image courtesy of heathbrandon under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 generic license.)
information brokering, information broker jobs, information broker career, information broker