Displaying All Posts by Andre Kibbe

The Netsetter: How to Find a Niche Market

There are two diametrically opposite stumbling blocks encountered by beginning internet marketers: finding a profitable niche to target, and narrowing their focus to exclude seductive but distracting opportunities. Entrepreneurs paralyzed by a paradox of choice are arguably in a better position, since they could choose one of their current options at random if necessary. Having absolutely no idea where to get ideas is a much more discouraging state of affairs.
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The Netsetter: Keyword Competition Analysis

Picking effective keywords for your content is at least as important as SEO. If you optimize for the wrong keywords, your search traffic will either be limited to lower search volumes than more optimal keywords, or the traffic will convert poorly. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: SEO Writing Tip #3: Rock Your On-Page SEO

In the first installment in this series on SEO writing, we talked two things: why you need to be conscious of the keywords implicit in the topic of your article, and why you need to target that topic’s main keyword in your title tag. In the second installment, we talked about the meta description tag (not what most people refer to as the “meta tag”, which usually describes the tag for meta keywords). This time around, we’ll go over some on-page SEO factors that are too minor to discuss individually, but are collectively important to implement. We’ll also go over their relationship to off-page factors. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: SEO Writing Tip #2: Optimize Your Meta Description Tag

[Update: A couple of commenters challenged me on the meta description tag as a Google ranking factor, particularly Josh, whose link pointed me to a meta description test. The test is persuasive, so while most what follows on optimization is still valid, it’s mainly for clickthrough rate, not indexing and ranking.]

I’m always amazed by how little attention even SEO-conscious writers will give their post’s meta description tag. The meta description is probably the most important on-page SEO factor you control after the title tag. Let’s look at this element in detail, and how you can use it to not only increase your article’s ranking in Google, but also its clickthrough rate. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: SEO Writing Tip #1 – Optimize Your Title Tag

“I don’t write for search engines,” blogs the social media cool kid. Presumably, he writes for “people”. Yeah, right.

If you read no further than this sentence, I’ll be content if you let just one concept sink in: Writing for search engines is writing for people. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: The New Google Keyword Tool – Love It or Leave It

When Google updated the interface to the Google Keyword Tool a few months ago, its best feature was the link it contained to the previous interface, which was the one bookmarked and used by most keyword researchers, SEOs and internet marketers after the change. I tried several times in the interim to force myself to use the new interface, which was still in beta, knowing that I would have to adapt sooner or later. Each time I tried it, I couldn’t stand it for more than 20 minutes, and would revert to the previous interface, which featured one of the most elegant user experiences of any Google product. Click Here to Read Article …

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Procrastination Hack: Aim for Nonzero

Whenever his clients had trouble understanding the meaning of their dreams, Sigmund Freud would ask them, “What does this dream definitely not mean?” Once they started discussing invalid interpretations of their dreams, the inertia was broken, and they would transition without effort into examining the actual meaning of those dreams. Click Here to Read Article …

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What Can You Do In Two Minutes?

Two minutes might not seem like much, but appearances can be deceiving. There’s actually quite a lot you can accomplish in a two-minute window if you develop the habit if asking yourself if something takes two minutes or less. This habit was codified by consultant Dean Acheson (not the deceased U.S. senator), and later David Allen, as the Two Minute Rule. Click Here to Read Article …

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