Displaying All Posts by Carl Natale

How to Use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

So you’re looking for a new job? Good for you.

Before you make an appointment with a headhunter or waste too much time searching online job boards, check out LinkedIn. Really. It’s more than just another social network. It’s a powerful job-search tool. They have a pretty good section on how to find a job with LinkedIn. Here are a few features that will help you: Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Be More Productive During Air Travel

I used to love flying. It was an exciting adventure.

Now security-induced lines and weather delays have turned air travel into a nightmare.

But still anytime someone else does the driving, I’m basically happy. It gives me a chance to read or do some work. With a little bit of planning, my airplane seat becomes a mobile office. A bit cramped — but I can still gets things done. Click Here to Read Article …

How Digital Devices Detour You from Thinking Clearly

My new smart phone is one of my coolest productivity tools. While I’m anywhere, I can talk on the phone and check my e-mail. Or read a blog. Or play a game. It takes multitasking to a whole new level.

This has to make me super productive.

Or not. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Keys to Handling Criticism

Handling criticism – especially the constructive kind – is not the easiest thing to do. Yet we face it each day, whether in small doses or in large chunks. It pays to be adept at knowing what to do when someone criticizes you or your work — not how you handle can have a positive (or negative) impact on you. It can impact your livelihood, your perception of yourself and those around you and even the source of the criticism itself. As you can see, there are a number of factors to take into account when faced with handling criticism; these 3 tips should get you in the right mindset to deal with it accordingly. Click Here to Read Article …

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Smart Goal Setting: The Importance of Setting Realistic Goals

I once worked for a boss who wanted us to assign a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG) to every project and proposal. When we created a site for small business owners, it was supposed to be “The top visited site for small business owners looking for solutions to their problems.”

We never got close. Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Quick Ways to Tune up Your Workspace

You know you’re supposed to declutter your desk and workspace. It’s going to boost your productivity. While you’re at it, here are three ideas to tune up your productivity:

Clean your keyboard

You shouldn’t be eating or drinking at your computer. But who has time for lunch? Here are 10 ideas for getting the dust and snack particles out from between the keys.

My favorite: Get a keyboard protector that covers the keys while you type. Click Here to Read Article …

Will Gmail Priority Inbox Change How You Manage Email?

Gmail is rolling out Priority Inbox as a way to help manage email. It remembers which emails you tend to open and sorts new emails accordingly.  Some regular Gmail users should have received the invitation to start using the new tool, while those who use Google Apps can get access to it a bit quicker by opting in to pre-release features.

TechCrunch looks at the Priority Inbox and notes:

“Of course, this introduces a new dynamic to the way a lot of people are going to be reading email. Email intros will become ever more important, because you’ll want to ensure that your message gets marked with coveted ‘important’ tag. It also has much broader implications. Increasingly, content will be displayed to you based on its importance rather than its time stamp — not just when it comes to browsing email, but for social networks and other content as well.”

Does this create a branch of SEO for email now? I know this only applies to Gmail. But if Priority Inbox proves to be a hit, other email providers will create competing features. To make sure your emails are marked important, will you have to learn how to write optimized emails? Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Use Mind Maps for Managing Ideas

I’ve recently started using mind mapping software for managing ideas.

Mind maps are graphical representations of outlines. The advantage over a traditional outline is that you can connect related topics. It’s also easier for some visually oriented people to review.

Like I said, I use it plan ideas. I start with the idea name as the center node (topics are called nodes) and create nodes for tasks and concepts that will guide the project. The resulting mind map helps me figure out where to start work.

It’s also handy for brainstorming. The mind map becomes a record of ideas and questions. Later when I’m ready to develop the idea, it’s a clear representation of what I was thinking. To me, it’s clearer than traditional notes. Click Here to Read Article …

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