Displaying All Posts from July, 2013

Can You Pass the Management Skills Quiz?

Most experts agree that you need a number of basic skills to be a good manager. Leading isn’t enough, you also need to be able to persuade people to follow you. Good communication often tops the list of must-have management skills, but that includes listening as well as giving others direction.

Being an effective manager requires not only good management skills, but the ability to put those skills into use and the confidence to use them wisely. Here’s a short management quiz to test your skills. Are you ready to be a manager? Do you have what it takes?

Answer true or false to each of the following questions, and remember: be honest with yourself. Click Here to Read Article …

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https://workawesome com/management/management-skills-quiz/

5 Secrets to Save Your PPC Campaign

Most of the time, business owners put several different marketing strategies into motion. They do not rely on any one strategy in the campaign. This is good for making it more likely that a business will reach all of its market, but it is bad in that sometimes businesses must let some components go on autopilot.

A PPC campaign is one of the most likely to be put on the back burner because the automation programs that come with so many of the campaigns make it easy to let it go without tweaking it – I am guilty of this and usually catches up to you when its too late.

Sometimes though, you may realize in the middle of your PPC campaign that you aren’t getting the results that you want. Rather than scrap the entire campaign, you can work to revitalize it so that you start getting the results that you want.
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(Infographic) What Makes a Successful Manager?

One in every 3 Americans want to leave his or her job, while 31% claim their boss makes them feel under-appreciated, and unmotivated. Overall workplace morale is low in the US. Knowing this, business owners must make a valiant effort to ensure that both themselves and their hired managers are investing their time into building up their team.

Effective management is not only important to business owners, but to employees too. Indeed, only 35% of Americans claim that they’d prefer pay raise over a better boss.

That said, managing people is certainly not for everyone. It takes an individual willing to take the time to each employee’s needs, strengths, and weakness in order to maintain a healthy, productive work environment.

Pepperdine University’s MBA Online took a look at various employee satisfaction surveys to determine which overarching characteristics make employees more satisfied and productive.

And while the term “success” is a measurement that differs among a wide range of opinions, the idea is that a self-fulfilled employee is a motivated employee, thus crediting the manager as a successful one.

Key Characteristics of Successful Managers:

  • Natural Talent
  • Interest In Helping People and Finding Solutions
  • Trust And A Good Reputation
  • Diplomacy
  • Shows Respect and Maintains Open Communication

Do you agree with their list? Find out more in the infographic below, and then share your opinions with us in the comments!


Recruitment Software Saves Time and Money

Whether you are the HR person for a company or you actually run a recruiting service which helps HR departments find good candidates for their positions, keeping track of the plethora of applicants can be a daunting task.

This becomes even more of an issue when the job market is soft, as it has been for the last few years. With the new standard for applying for a position being the submission of a resume or CV online, that stack of applicants can really become overwhelming fast. To counter this problem and make the process move smoother, many companies and headhunters have taken in recent years to using recruitment software.

Just as cloud storage has made the filing, filtering, and sharing of work documents easier and quicker, recruitment software has done the same for the massive numbers of resumes flying around the interwebs. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Must Have Mobile Apps for Freelancers

As a freelancer, you already understand how difficult it can be to juggle the various aspects of working completely for yourself.

Freelancing offers the freedom of being able to travel when you need to, whether it’s for business or pleasure.

However, it can be easy to slip on things like following up with emails and getting back to potential clients when you are not in your workspace. The tedious administrative side of things can be a pain, but it doesn’t have to be quite as difficult if you have the right tools in your toolbox. Here are five that you may find useful. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Secrets to Dealing with Difficult Customers

Regardless of the industry we work in, most of us, at one point or another, have had experiences dealing with difficult customers or clients.

For me this means fielding countless emails and phone calls from customers with unreasonable requests and constantly handling complaints for things that are entirely out of my control.

Pair the frustration of these things with a client or customer who is rude or overly demanding, and that can be a recipe for disaster – but only if I let it reach that point.

Instead, I’ve learned to follow a few simple rules in order to keep my sanity intact and keep those I’m dealing with feeling heard and satisfied with the results. The following are 7 tips on how to deal with difficult customers. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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Review: Resume Baker – Make Your Resume Stand Out!

The latest unemployment numbers in the US show that our job situation isn’t getting anywhere fast. For the job seeker, that means that the competition you are up against will continue to be stacked high for the foreseeable future.

With the countless resumes that employers are sifting through whenever they have an open position, it is more important now than it ever has been to do what you can to make an impression quickly.

What’s on your resume is important, and so is what’s not on it. When time is of the essence to the employer, it might take something eye-catching to get them to even read yours. This is the advantage that Resume Baker can give you. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Things To Leave Off Your Resume

These days, with the economy still barely holding on by the thinnest of threads, resumes are flying around more than the ungodly mosquitoes that seem to have woken up for the summer.

With so many people trying to find meaningful employment, it doesn’t take much to drop to the bottom of the stack.

Take it from someone who once had to go through a ton of resumes on a regular basis: you’re putting too much on yours. If you aren’t, you’re one of the few.

Allow me to share some insight to help you in your pursuit of a job. Ever heard of File 13? That’s likely where your resume will end up if you have these 5 things on it when you submit it to that potential employer. Here are 5 things to leave off your resume: Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

5 things to leave off your résumé