Displaying All Posts from January, 2016

Online Video Broadcasting

In society today, consumers are bombarded by a myriad of advertising media at home, at work, and even while travelling via public or private transport. Because of this, the modern consumer has developed a wide array of filters in order to ignore much of the advertising that companies spend millions on each year.

There is an easier way of connecting with consumers, however, which bypasses these filters by actually engaging with the audience and generating interest through genuine participation. Rather than simply offering one-directional brand communications, if you broadcast live video via a reputable company like Blue Jeans, you can offer consumers the chance to get involved in what is happening live. This way, consumers can feel like they are part of the action, making a difference and essentially helping to build a brand into what they would like it to become.

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How Small Steps Equal Big Success

Do you hate being rejected? I do.

Who doesn’t?

It used to bother me a lot. From not being invited to certain parties to being overlooked for a job to not have the person you like, like you back.

When people say no to you, it feels like they are saying no because you suck, you are not good enough, you are not deserving. You cringe at the thought of being rejected.

The reality is when people say no, it is not always about you. When I look at the times when I have said no to people or things, it’s not always because I’m not interested. I just know what I want or I’ve got other commitments. Click Here to Read Article …

Top 4 Healthcare Careers Require Minimal Schooling

Anyone who understands the job market these days might be looking for the next career to put a paycheck in their pocket and also take care of the bills. However, if you need to go out and work in order to pay the bills, the last thing you can afford to do is to invest a handful of years (not to mention significant out of pocket costs) to get a degree.

An alternative option is to look into a program that can lead you to a better career with minimal schooling required. The good news is that the healthcare field is blossoming, and you could make the jump in a short amount of time. 

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5 Tips for Creating Trust at Work

Trust is probably the most important aspect of creating a harmonious and efficient workforce.

If employees feel secure and trust you and your company, they will work to ensure it thrives.

There are two stages to success: creating trust and maintaining it.

These must be established through example, with the management setting a standard for honesty and transparency that should be emulated by every member of the workforce.

Here are some tips I’ve learned for building trust and keeping it as well as some red flags to keep an eye out for: Click Here to Read Article …

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