Displaying All Posts in the Goals category

Five Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Have you ever wanted to be someone different, or to reinvent yourself?

Still you of course, but with a more interesting and varied life? Maybe even have a better job, look better, be more healthy, or just cooler?

If that is you, then you are not alone. Most of us want to have some or all of that happen in our lives. But the truth is that except for a few brave souls, it remains a dream or a series of items on a wish list. So how do you transform your life or just reinvent yourself in your current life?

It’s not easy, but it can be done. Here are five areas to focus on if you want to reinvent yourself. You will notice that they all involve change. If you are willing to do the work to change then you can have the transformation you desire. If not, then you’ll just have to keep dreaming about it. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Make a Decision

How to Make a Decision

Last summer, I found myself in a dilemma to make a decision. Amidst my struggle to find fulfillment from the various jobs, I was offered a regular salary and benefits kind of job. Being offered any type of employment after a particularly long dry spell was fantastic, but I was hung up on the fact that it wasn’t how I pictured it — the pay wasn’t great and the industry was one I never thought I’d be in.

I was faced with an important decision: Do I accept the new position and a chance at a little security, or continue searching for something different, something that fit the long laundry list of must-haves I had concocted for my professional life? Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Start Your Workday On the Right Foot

How to Start Your Workday On the Right Foot

Our mornings tend to set the tone for the rest of the day. If we’re frazzled and running behind, that can start a domino effect that continues to throw us off until we hit the pillow at night. On the other hand, starting off with an intention and a plan can lead to smooth sailing and an improved mood the rest of the day.

Here are a few ways you can start your workday on the right foot. Click Here to Read Article …

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How Failure Can Help You Succeed

How Failure Can Help You Succeed

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Most of us tend to avoid failure. We’d rather see ourselves victorious at the finish line then tending to a damaged ego and attempting to determine where things went wrong.

Clear-cut success and triumph offer a cleaner path, while failure is simply a breeding ground for lessons – lessons that can sometimes be tough or even painful to learn.

But the truth is, the most successful people in the world endured mountains of failure before reaching the peak of success; and it was those failures that actually prepared them for what came next. Could it be then that failure can help you succeed? Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Ways to Shortcut the 10,000 Hour Rule

5 Ways to Shortcut the 10,000 Hour Rule

The older we get, the harder it is to learn something new. Not because it’s actually harder, but because we don’t like feeling like a novice. So, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to get up that learning curve faster?

Well, there is.

No doubt you’ve heard of the 10,000 hour rule. First espoused by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, the “10,000 hour” rule states that it takes 10,000 hours to master any skill. Or, translated into years, it’s about 10 years of consistent practice to achieve mastery. Click Here to Read Article …

Three Principles of Changing Habits

Three Principles of Changing Habits

A lot of the times, people want to change; they want to form new habits, to break certain old ones. They sincerely wish to have a certain discipline in life by changing their habits.

They kick off with great enthusiasm, they even gather momentum, but often, somewhere in between seeing results and staying motivated, something undesirable happens: they start to go back to their old ways. The more they resist, the greater the pull by the old habits.

So, why is so hard to make new habits or break old ones? And what can be done to fix it? Click Here to Read Article …

How Ocean Swimming Helped My Personal Goals

Several times in my career I found myself wondering why, despite putting in hard work and long hours, I wasn’t getting more out of it. The reason things weren’t moving as fast as I would like them to was usually related to my personal goals I set, or more appropriately, my consistency in sticking with them.

But when I set out to learn what others did to manage their goals, all I got was a bunch of corporate buzzwords that didn’t resonate with me. In this post I describe a useful analogy that helped me stay grounded. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Reasons Goals Are Better than Resolutions + Lifetick Giveaway

3 Reasons Goals Are Better than Resolutions + Lifetick Giveaway

[Don’t miss the cool giveaway at the end!]

The New Year period is now but a distant memory as we’ve approached the quarter mark of the calendar year. So too sadly, are most people’s New Year’s Resolutions.

Consistently, it seems to be something people are willing to attempt to undertake despite knowing fully well the likelihood of success is minimal at best. The question must therefore be asked: Why is it we get excited about resolutions? When you dissect it all, it really comes down to one word: Hope. Click Here to Read Article …

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