The medical field is one of the most sought after career paths in the world. If you think about the job most associated with helping other people, a physician will likely be the first thing that comes to mind. Becoming a doctor is one of the noblest things a person can do with their lives.
It is also one of the better-paying jobs you can do regardless of where in the world you happen to live. While it is true that some lineman whose name you don’t know, on a losing NFL team, with a mediocre career likely makes more than the average doctor, that player’s career will be short and brutish. And at the end of it, he will need to spend what money he has saved on seeing a good doctor.
Not only is being a doctor a noble job and one of the highest paying jobs, it is also one of the most respected jobs. There is much esteem associated with saving lives. That said, there are many people who would love to contribute to that cause, but who have an aversion to close contact with, well, people. The good news is that there are many ways to contribute to the healing arts without becoming a doctor. Here are 5.
1. Pharmacist
You probably felt like a pharmacist the first time you used one of those online pill identifier tools to help a loved one figure out what those pills were. You know, the ones in the bottle with the worn out label. It is the feeling you get when you help someone sort out a medical issue without the 12 years of school.
That feeling might lead you to pursue formal pharmacy career training. The average annual salary for a pharmacist is over $112,000. Click Here to Read Article …