Prioritize Your Email Tasks with TaskForce

If you’re anything like me, you get the majority of your assignments through email — not to mention any contacts you want to follow up with, newsletters you might want to read and various other notifications. That gets messy…fast.

Enter Taskforce.

Taskforce is the brainchild of Niccolo Pantucci, with the mission to “create tools that make people’s work lives easier, saving them time and money”. Hard to argue with that kind of philosophy.

Taskforce is a Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari Extension that integrates directly into your Gmail inbox and allows you to split your emails into 3 different types: Information, Action, and Broadcast. Once you sign up, you pick the extension of your choice, then are brought to a screen that allows you to create a filter of all “Broadcast” emails in one fell swoop — think Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other similar kinds of notifications.


This allows you to easily filter all the social media notifications you get and Taskforce will automatically put them in your activity feed to check later. Nifty!

Taskforce allows you to add tasks directly through its interface or through email. Creating a new task is easy. Just click the new task button, enter any relevant information, and you’re done. This allows you to turn emails into actions instead of just letting them sit there — something productivity gurus have been champions of for years.


Collaboration is easy with Taskforce. You can share tasks (even with people who don’t use Taskforce) by simply adding an email address in the box after you create a task. You can even add comments — either reminder notes for yourself or quick notes between yourself and the person you assigned the task to.

Not at your computer? Not a problem. Taskforce has an iPhone-optimized site.

Taskforce also allows for offline syncing. So, if you’re using Gmail offline you can still use Taskforce with the comfort of knowing everything will be there when you go back online.

Overall, Taskforce is a really well-thought out Gmail plugin that can enable you to take control of your inbox in a way that makes sense, allows for collaboration, and keeps emails and tasks from falling through the cracks. It’s definitely worth a test drive.

Popular search terms for this article:

taskforce firefox, taskforce gmail plugin, how to prioritise emails

Leslie A. Joy is a marketing assistant, process manager, analytics geek, and blogger, along with being a social media strategist for DSGNR Unlimited. You can find out more at her site, Social Media Mercenary.


  1. TrafficColeman on the 12th November

    This is awesome task software that I just ran across and I think I will give it an go..Thanks

  2. Cubicle Generation on the 15th November

    😡 Their site is down, their twitter has no posts, not having it so far.

  3. Niccolo Pantucci on the 19th November

    Hi guys!

    Thanks for the support, yes the site was down, apologies it should all be fixed by now. We do try to monitor twitter as often as possible, so do please feel free to tweet is @taskforce_app – also, we’ll be releasing a new and improved version soon, so do signup and be first to get it!

    Thanks for the write up.


  4. Jem on the 10th March

    This looks like a great tool. I use Dooster which has a great Email function as well as Task collaboration.

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