Displaying All Posts tagged with marketing

6 Social Media Mistakes & How to Fix Them

6 Social Media Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Social media and the small business — it’s such a love-hate relationship.

There are times when you can’t live with each other, but then there are others when you can’t live without each other either.

What’s a business owner to do?

If you’re a small business owner, I’m sure you’ve felt frustrated, overwhelmed and even insanely angry with how social media can be.

Trust me — you aren’t alone.

The good news is that you can go from feeling trapped and behind the eight-ball to being in control and coolly confident about your online communities if you know what NOT to do.

That’s right. Everyone is telling you what you MUST be doing on social media but today, I’m going to tell you that there are six social media no-nos or sins. Avoid these and sauce up your presence, giving it that extra edge without it sapping your energy, time, money or grey cells. And if you’re making these mistakes, I’ll tell you how to fix them. Click Here to Read Article …

Running a Medical Facility: New Methods to Increase Your Patient Reach

Running a Medical Facility: New Methods to Increase Your Patient Reach

Though the medical industry is a billion dollar business, it is still important for doctors and medical facilities to continue to reach the general population.

Just like any business structure, medical facilities rely on funds from insurance companies and patients to stay afloat.

As such, patient retention and reach are of the utmost importance.

Keeping patients satisfied and bringing in new patients is the only way for medical practices to survive the competition. If you’ve found that your patient reach has slowed or become stagnant, implementing changes and new marketing strategies is always advised. Click Here to Read Article …

Wanna Be a Freelance Writer? Be a Brand Journalist

Wanna Be a Freelance Writer? Be a Brand Journalist

Companies once reached their audience by saying, “Buy Arco pancake mix. It makes good pancakes.”

And then came television commercials that promoted a lifestyle.

Then there was complex marketing research.

By the time Web 2.0 came along, the marketing intelligentsia on various brands tended to feel that any traditional advertising was a thing of the past and that telling a story was the way to reach people.

That is what brand journalism is all about, and it opens doors for freelance writers. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

Plenty of people will tell you the hardest part of being a content producer in the digital age is coming up with an original story or angle.

Everything’s been covered already, they say.

But they’re missing the key point: You can have the most original content on the Internet, but if you don’t market your work effectively, no one will read it.

Yes, the trickiest part of writing online is actually getting your voice heard by real people without paying for artificial users. Luckily, the Internet has some great content marketing solutions. Click Here to Read Article …

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Is It Time For A Paradigm Shift In Marketing?

Is It Time For A Paradigm Shift In Marketing?

Problems can either destroy a business or an industry or give it insights on how to make positive changes.

Over time, these problem-solving insights tend to accumulate.

When they reach a certain threshold, this leads to innovation.

Then, over a longer period of time these innovations pile up.

This leads to paradigm shifts. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

Technology has changed a lot in the past 20 years and it’s important for business owners to change with it.

However, there is always a need to use caution when deciding whether or not to adopt new technology.

Some things never become as popular as they were supposed to be (e.g. QR codes).

At other times some ideas take off but are then quickly replaced by something better (e.g. fax or pager marketing).

Some business owners still employ this type of caution when making a decision on social media, wondering if all the money they put into social media marketing will become useless in just a few years.

The time has come to abandon any worry that social media is just a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon. There is a lot of data that shows social media is a vital part of the way we communicate and engage with others and learn about new things. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Get the Word Out About Your Company (Without Breaking the Bank)

5 Ways to Get the Word Out About Your Company (Without Breaking the Bank)

Are you just getting a business off the ground? If so, it’s hard to think about putting money into intangibles like advertising to get the word out about your company. With all the expenses of opening shop, hiring employees, satisfying local codes, and so forth, the calls from local newspapers and media imploring you to spend with them can feel like an obnoxious distraction.

Even if you’re a well-established business, the constant pressure to market yourself can feel overwhelming. How do you decide where those dollars are best spent, reaching the maximum number of potential customers and clients for the least amount of capital? Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Ways to Market Your Side Business While You Sleep

3 Ways to Market Your Side Business While You Sleep

Now that you have your shiny new side business up and running, you need to market it. In other words, you need to spread the word about what you are doing.

When I started blogging, my main goal was to get the word out about my blog. I had two common problems though: I didn’t have time to market, and I didn’t have any money.

Lucky for you, I am going to share what I learned through hours of research, interviews, and events. What I learned were the secrets to marketing a new business or blog online…all for free! Click Here to Read Article …

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