Displaying All Posts tagged with time management

How to Take a Break

Knowing when to take a break is important, but a lot pf people don’t know how to take a break.   Some would say that surfing the internet for a few minutes between articles will do the trick.  Others profess that getting up and going for a walk fills the time nicely.  While these ideas may seem on track, that’s not entirely the case.

A break is defined in several ways, but the one we’re going to focus on is:

A pause or interval, as from work.

It’s important to remember that you really do need to press the “pause” button when you take a break.  That means if you work on a computer all day, you should get and get away from it during the break.  If you work inside, go outside.  If you work in solitude, find interaction of some sort.  A break should not only be that interval you take to get away from your work, but give you a chance to break the pattern you have while working.
How you take your break is just as important as when.  Do it right and you’ll come back recharged every time. Click Here to Read Article …
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Is Facebook Productive?

With today’s privacy “simplification” announcement over at Facebook which rolls out to all users over the next few weeks (unless you’ve recently quit…or you may not see if you are going to) , it rekindled an old argument: Is there is any productive merit to the web service?

A lot of users use the site to promote their blogs (WorkAwesome included) as well as to keep touch – and regain contact – with old friends.  This can result in new opportunities and can be effective in keeping communication easy and centralized.  Certainly birthday greetings have become simpler to send (and remember)!

Do you still use Facebook?  If so, for what?  Is it a productivity “suck” or tool? Click Here to Read Article …

What Productivity Software Do You Use?

This week we’ve already looked at what methods you use to get yourself on the pathway to productivity – whether it be paper, software or web-based in nature.  As mentioned, no matter which way you go the options seem endless.  (Yes, even those who use paper have a variety of options to choose from…)

Let’s say you use a software solution.  The website Priacta has listed a ton – an exhaustive list – of productivity software solutions (and another list of web-based solutions as well) to choose from.

So, WorkAwesome readers, which one (if any) do you use…or have you used? Click Here to Read Article …

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The Benefits of Working from Home

Going to work in an office can be stressful and costly for both employee and employer.  Thanks to technology many people have the option of working from home (or off-site at that warm beach somewhere!).  For consultants and freelancers there are obvious reasons why you should work from home (you might not have another choice anyway!) but for full-time employees there are financial and personal advantages to working at least a couple days per week from home.  Not every profession allows for this flexibility but if yours is one of the many that do, here are some benefits to look into for both employer and employee. Click Here to Read Article …

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Pac-Man Eats Up Productivity

Last week’s playable Pac-Man game on Google’s home page (permanently playable here, by the way) may have been awesome for those nostalgic about playing the game – the iconic video game turned 30 last week – but it sure did sap the productivity out of the day for most.

A report by software firm Rescue Time (developers of time-tracking software) revealed that nearly 5 million hours of work time was eaten up by the little guy.  Totally awesome in one way, not so much in another.

Admittedly, I played it for a spell once I came across the page.  I was obviously not alone.  How many WorkAwesome readers chased Clyde and the gang around?

UPDATE: The dollar value is in. Whoa. Click Here to Read Article …

The GTD Implementation System

David Allen, the “Godfather of Getting Things Done”, has just released a new product that’s ideal for those who have a basic understanding of the popular methodology.

The GTD Implementation Guide goes through the system in a step-by-step fashion, allowing you to get into things quickly and effectively.  You can check out more on the latest addition to the GTD product line here.

GTD and Getting Things Done are registered trademarks of David Allen & Co. Click Here to Read Article …

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Are You An Efficient Early Riser or Energetic Night Owl?

Some would say getting an early start on the day is the best way to go.  You have the opportunity to get focused early on and tackle the day’s tasks and projects with little to no distractions.  Then, when the rest of the world wakes up, you’re already a few hours ahead of the game.

Others profess that tackling the “have to’s” early on in the day allows you to do the “get-to’s” as the day draws to a close.  Many people have had the day to allow ideas and strategies to percolate throughout the day and spend the wee hours making those ideas happen.  In essence, they’re getting a head start as well – just really late the night (or early morning) beforehand.

Then there’s the ever-present question of when you need to be available to others, such as family, friends and colleagues.  That plays into how you tackle your day just as much as anything else.

So, WorkAwesome readers, are you an efficient early riser or do you find you work better as a night owl?  We’d love to hear from you! Click Here to Read Article …

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Do You Have A Productivity Dilemma?

First things first.

You enjoy what you do…that’s apparent.   That’s why you’re here.  It’s not just your work you enjoy, it’s life in general.  As a matter of fact, you’d love to be able to enjoy all of it more often – completely, even.  That’s always the challenge.  Without a doubt, you can’t have it that way unless you really want it so.  In order to do that, you’ve got to be not only awesome at what you do, but awesomely productive at it. Click Here to Read Article …

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