Displaying All Posts tagged with Work-Life Balance

How to Be a Disciplined Freelance Writer

How to Be a Disciplined Freelance Writer

Do you know what the First Law of Freelancing is? “It’s all right to have a 9-5 job and slack at the workplace. But if you freelance from home, you can’t afford to.”

Needless to say, if you’re a freelancer, you must adhere to the First Law. Freelance writers must monitor themselves all the time and stay disciplined as they enjoy working on their own terms. But how?

Following are some ways you can combine freelancing with discipline. Click Here to Read Article …

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Workaholic Anonymous – 5 Steps to Stop

Spotting an alcoholic or drug addict is so easy, but have you realized that you could be sitting right next to a workaholic and not notice him or her at all?

Sometimes, we don’t have to look far to discover that we ourselves are addicted to work—somehow the addiction snuck in while we were busy working.

Some people are surprised to hear that work could indeed be addicting. “Oh, there’s nothing like working too much,” or “Me? I am just working hard! Isn’t it the right thing?” Click Here to Read Article …

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Personal Life Outside of Work

Personal Life Outside of Work

Are you spending longer at work these days, putting in extra hours just to get everything done? And, when you finally clock out and leave, do you bring your job — and workplace worries — through the front door with you?

It can be a constant struggle protecting your precious personal life from the pressures of work. And it’s a battle many people are losing.

The temptation is to do the extra hours tonight in the weak hope you’ll get caught up and be able to relax a little in the morning. But, the ‘to do’ list keeps on growing — and you end up waiting behind again tomorrow. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Steps to Creating a Balanced Life

5 Steps to Creating a Balanced Life

In today’s “hustle and bustle”world, it is getting more difficult to separate our professional lives from our personal time. People in this era (more than in any other time before) find themselves taking work home and spending late hours on their laptops. Most of these hard workers justify their misplaced time with their large salaries. However, they fail to see the costs of such a distorted work-life balance.

Family and friendships are negatively affected when you take the time that you once used to play with your family or hang out with your friends and repurpose it for work. The increased stress levels and lack of rest can have a terrible impact on your health and personal well-being. Here are some ways you can start working towards creating a more balanced life — and you can start them right away.

1. Create personal balance by deciding what is important to you.

Before it is possible to bring balance to your work and personal life, you need to make up your mind as far as your priorities are concerned. Is it your family or your work? If you are not able to immediately and honestly make this decision, you can try the following simple exercise. Try staying away from both aspects of your life continuously for at least a couple of days. Maybe you should go away for a few days all by yourself to make this easier. The thing that you miss more during that time is the area of your life that is most important to you. You should focus more of your attention on that area; the area of your life that is most important to you.

Your overall goals and purpose should reflect your priorities. You should be working towards something that will bring you satisfaction and joy. You should do what is important and meaningful. So take the time to figure out exactly what your priorities are.
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The On/Off Principle

If you’re the kind of person who thinks outside the box when it comes to work (as most WorkAwesome readers are), then you probably know all sorts of tricks and techniques for getting the most out of the working day. Whatever your “top tips” for time management are, there’s one element which underpins them all; one fundamental ingredient which determines whether you stick to a program of time management or slip back into chaos or procrastination.

Working State

If you’ve ever read a list of tips or even a detailed manifesto like David Allen’s GTD system, you were probably sold on the principles instantly. You’d spent a couple of afternoons being productive, but then promptly fell off the wagon and straight under the crushing wheels of habitual routine.

What matters most isn’t so much your system, but rather your state of mind. You might have had days when work just happened effortlessly — like an athlete in the zone — when everything just seemed to come together. Unfortunately, if left to chance, this doesn’t happen so often.

The key to any program of self-management, self- motivation, self-improvement — call it what you will — is to take responsibility for your own brain first.
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on and off

Slow Down for the Holidays

The holiday’s are fast upon us. October and Thanksgiving have come and gone, and this week is perhaps the most hectic of the year for most of us..

We are all very busy with our careers, families and the inevitable shopping madness the holidays have become. As web professionals, we need to maintain a balance and continue the upkeep of the many outlets we are involved with.

Oh and did I mention – enjoy the holidays?
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A Happy Thanksgiving: Connect By Disconnecting

I hope you’re not reading this blog at the Thanksgiving table. Come on. Don’t you have anything better to do? Like being thankful and being with family?

Okay, maybe you’re not. But I bet you’re tempted to check your email while everyone slips into a tryptophan coma. While you’re at it, why not tweet that funny joke your nephew told at dinner? What’s the harm of seeing how your Facebook friends are enjoying their holiday? Maybe no one will notice or mind, but there’s a real good chance someone’s going to notice and take offense.

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Busting Down the Office Door

Busting Down the Office Door

The conventional wisdom for remote workers with families is that it is essential to create clear separation between work time and family time. “Make sure you have an office with a door, and keep that door closed during business hours”. But what would happen if we turned that wisdom on its head?

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