The Benefits of Working With Inspired People


When I was hired on at a company I had never dreamed would look twice at me, I was immediately inspired to jump in headfirst. I worked tirelessly to make a good impression and help improve the product we were selling.

The inspiration I had stemmed from the newness of the situation and the pride I had in myself and my work. But that newness, the excitement that comes from tackling an unfamiliar project, quickly wore off.

So what was the biggest motivation suck? Coworkers that were uninspired and unmotivated to keep working towards something better, something we could all be proud to have our names on.

Don’t get me wrong, they had plenty of reason to be unmotivated — like being under appreciated, underpaid and lacking leadership and direction. But regardless of the reasons, working with uninspired people eventually led me to stop believing in my work and dread every task that came along with it.

Inspiration and motivation should grow from within, but there are clear benefits to surrounding yourself with people who believe in what they are doing and are always working to be better and produce better work.

Whether it’s coworkers, friends or family members, here are just a few of the benefits of surrounding yourself with inspired, motivated people:

Inspired people generate ideas and ideas create forward movement.

If you’re feeling stagnant and stuck in what you are doing, you might believe that is just the way it is — unless you see someone who is coming up with ideas and taking steps to make change happen.

If this is a coworker, their ideas and forward movement can create positive changes in your own job and environment, inspiring you to follow their lead and sparking a renewed passion or what you do.

Inspired people help create healthy competition.

Healthy competition can be a huge motivator, so being surrounded by people who are constantly inspired to formulate new ideas and ways of operating can push you to do the same.

Everyone wants recognition and the ability to say that are proud of what they do — if others are experiencing this, you will be pushed to receive the same reward.

Inspired people can open your eyes to the possibilities.

I have a friend who works in the same industry as I do and she is constantly looking for new ways to create the life and career she desires. Sometimes her ideas fall flat, but other times she manages to forge a new path that, in turn, inspires me to seek out opportunities where before I saw none.

She pushes me to see all the possibilities — not just what is in front of me in this moment.

Inspired people can teach you.

Inspired people are naturally curious and motivated to soak in knowledge, therefore they have a lot to share.

If you are surrounded by people who are constantly seeking out new information and ways of doing things, you can benefit greatly from their knowledge base — especially in the workplace.

Inspired people tell you why something will work, not why it won’t.

Inspired people tend to look towards the positive, therefore, instead of giving you a laundry list of why something isn’t practical or how hard it will be to make it happen, they will tell you why it might actually work.

Inspired people will give you ideas — not squash the ones you already have.

Inspired people will shine a light on where your passion lies and where it doesn’t.

When you see someone buzzing with excitement over a new project or idea, it forces you to examine if the field of work you are in can spark the same level of excitement in you, or if it’s time to move on to something else.

A coworker I once had would go to work far earlier and leave far later than anyone else simply because he loved his job. I was inspired by his dedication and the fact that he had truly found his calling, but it made me realize that the same work didn’t excite me nearly as much and it was best I move on to something else.

Inspired people can help you to be more positive.

Inspired people are usually those who see the glass as half full, not half empty. Surrounding yourself with this kind of positivity will inevitably change your outlook, or at least help you to notice when you’re being negative.

This can do wonders in changing the way you view your work, your environment, or even your life — which in turn can spark a motivation you never knew you had.

Do you have inspired people around you? Let us know your inspiring stories in the comments below!

Photo by DepositPhotos.

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Kayla Albert spent two years plugging away as a freelance writer before taking a job as a community manager for a local newspaper. She enjoys writing about productivity and personal growth topics. You can also find her at


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