The question that bothers many, if not all, introverts, is this:
How can you maximize your chances of lucrative employment with the hurdles caused by your personality?
While some may feel discouraged, many realize that instead of losing hope they can create success.
You are wrong if you think that you will be left behind in the race for success just because you are an introvert.
There are millions like you enjoying the job they’ve always dreamed of.
In fact, you may also find many who, despite their introverted nature, are leading large teams in respected organizations.
Some people learn to overcome these hurdles with age and experience. But if you want to speed up the process, take a look at the following essential tips to improve your chances in the job search.
1. Honesty Is the Best Policy
Lying about your introverted nature, particularly to get a job, is never a good idea. According to many, the most important and practical tip to finding a job is to never pretend to be somebody you are not.
Hiding your true nature in an interview may help you get the job, but eventually you’ll be found out when you’re needed to perform beyond your abilities.
So, be honest with yourself and to the ones you meet. If truth be told, some employers seek introverts more than their counterparts, since introverts tend to show more productivity than extroverts.
2. Promote Yourself Online
Think you can’t communicate well face-to-face? Since the advancement in technology and expansion of the job market to the Internet, it has become much easier for introvert job candidates to find their dream jobs.
Visiting job search portals and making a profile on LinkedIn are two easy things you can do from the comfort of home. Be sure to keep your profile updated to attract employers.
Aside from that, you can also promote yourself through social networks, keep a blog or updated online portfolio, and also approach employers directly as well as appear in online interviews through Skype or Google Hangouts.
Apart from promotion, the Internet is of course beneficial for research purposes. For instance, you may use it to research the company and employers before an interview.
This helps you learn more about their goals, mission and values and makes you more confident about possible topics of discussions in the interview.
3. Find Yourself A Mentor
A mentor can help you improve in ways you cannot manage on your own. Mentors cannot only help you polish up your skills and point out areas you need improvement, they can also train you to answer confidently in the interviews for which you’re preparing.
Having a mentor to guide you through the process of recruitment as well as help improve communication skills has proved to work like magic for introverts and has enabled many to adjust better in their workplace.
4. Plan and Rehearse
The fear of facing recruiters and their questions can become quite overwhelming for introverts and often makes them perform badly in interviews.
Therefore, it is best to rehearse and practice all possible questions and topics of conversation at home before you reach the office for an interview. You can ask your family or friends to help you through the practice session and guide you about what is right or wrong.
The role of mentors is also very important in rehearsing. By being around you and aware of your shortcomings, they can help you with the interview planning in a way that many others can not.
5. Learn New Skills
Everybody has some good skill sets and bad habits that can either help them get a job or make it difficult for them to carry out one.
Being an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t converse with others or lead a meeting — it simply means you get your energy from being alone.
While some of these skills might not come naturally, they can be learned. It is up to you to seek out new skills to positively impact your career.
6. Open Up
Do not let the feeling of awkwardness let you avoid opening up to people around you. Stepping a little outside of your comfort zone may be all you need to do to impress people you communicate with, especially interviewers.
Remember that you don’t need to be an extrovert to become a great leader or speaker. You can be whatever you want to be. All you need to do is to have confidence in yourself and in your skills.
7. Recharge Yourself
Appearing for back-to-back interviews can become very frustrating for introverts. No matter how much you train yourself to open up and feel comfortable talking with recruiters, you can’t expect yourself to continue at a pace that isn’t natural for you all the time.
Give your exhausted mind and body some rest and tackle the interviews with a rejuvenated spirit. A short walk outside and some “me” time in a secluded place like a park will help you to feel more recharged.
Searching for a job can be frustrating, regardless of your personality type. Don’t let your introverted nature trick you into believing you can’t succeed in an interview and get your dream job.
(Photo by markus spiske/ CC BY)