Displaying All Posts by Mike Martin

5 Tips to Living Your Dream

live your dream

We all have dreams and hopes for the future — things that we want to achieve, places we want to visit or move to.

Dreams are what can motivate us to get through school, to do the internship, to serve at the bottom until the pathway to the top opens up.

But dreams aren’t easy to realize — there are always obstacles in our way and sometimes things inside of us that hold us back.

If your dream feels particularly elusive, then maybe you have some of those internal obstacles holding you back.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about your dreams: Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Be Happier at Work

how to be happy at work

There are a lot of articles and ideas about making the workplace more productive, but who is talking about making the workplace a happier place?

Since we spend a third of our lives there, maybe we should spend just a few more minutes thinking and talking about that.

And while there are many things an employer can do to make the workplace a more pleasant place to spend all that time in, we can do a lot all by ourselves.

Here are five ideas to find more happiness at work: Click Here to Read Article …

How to Succeed: Listen More

how to listen

Far too many of us talk a lot but listen very little.

That probably means that we aren’t hearing all of the information that people are trying to provide to us.

It might mean that we are actually missing quite a lot.

Active listening can help us to both hear and learn more. It doesn’t mean that we can’t speak, but almost all can profit from listening to what others — especially our work colleagues — are trying to communicate to us.

The fact is that listening is one of the most important and under-rated skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness and on the quality of your relationships with others. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Traits to Adopt For Success

corner office

In his book The Corner Office and his popular New York Times Sunday Business column of the same name, Adam Bryant interviewed more than 70 CEOs from major international corporations to find out their secret to success.

What he found was that they shared a number of key qualities that propelled them to leadership roles and their seat in the corner office.

Those five qualities are passion and curiosity, battled-hardened confidence, team smarts, a simple mindset, and fearlessness.

1. Passion and Curiosity

Bryant calls this a deep sense of engagement with the world, and the leaders he spoke with all had a questioning mind and were acutely interested in people, ideas and things.

It is much more than curiosity — it is a desire to figure out how things work and how they can be made better.

It is also the combination of curiosity and passion because on their own they won’t bring that synergy that’s needed for great leadership.

2. Confidence

The confidence that he heard from CEOs is about developing a track record of overcoming adversity so that you know what you’re capable of.

This is important. At certain points in our lives we find ourselves put on the hot seat in stressful situations, and we need to know that we can handle it.

Out of those experiences comes the confidence that they would know what to do in all sorts of business situations — this confidence carries them through.

3. Team Smarts

Team smarts refers to more than being able to be a good manager or coach, although that is important too. It’s another level down where a leader knows the inner dynamics of a team and how to get the best out of everyone.

The smartest and most successful CEOs know and can easily recognize the soft levers of power and how to tap into them to ensure success.

The best can not only make the official org chart work for them but the informal leadership be part of their team as well.

4. Simplicity

Simplicity is not simple-mindedness but the capacity to take complex ideas or problems and distill them down to one of two key points that everyone can understand.

As human beings we can only process a couple of ideas at a time, so we need leaders who can help us take the twelve organizational priorities down to a few simple and easy-to-follow directions.

This helps build teamwork and cohesiveness in the organization and allows all employees to focus on what is really important.

5. Fearlessness

This doesn’t mean making decisions without proper care and concern, but it does mean a bias towards action. It is a willingness to take risks and to sometimes see that things need to be completely overhauled in order to be successful in the future.

In today’s fast-paced business environment you just can’t afford to wait too long if a product or service isn’t taking off. You may need to kill the organization’s pet project in order to save the rest of the enterprise.

Even when things are working well, the fearless leader is not afraid to blow it up in order to make it bigger or better.

Do you have what it takes to get to the corner office? If you want to be a successful CEO, you might want to think about developing some of these key qualities the CEO’s that Adam Bryant interviewed have. That’s why they’re sitting in the corner office.

How to Achieve Your Career Dream

what is a mentor

We all need a little bit of extra help sometimes to move our career aspirations from dreams to reality. Often times we look in books or school, but there are other places to look.

Do you know people that have had great success with a coach at work while others swear by their mentor? These often available resources can give you a much-needed push.

So what are the differences between a coach and a mentor, and which will help you achieve your dreams? Click Here to Read Article …

4 Reasons to Do an Exit Interview (And When To Skip It)

exit interview

So you’ve given notice that you’re quitting your job and moving to your dream job across the street. Well, at least you’re moving.

Your manager has asked you to be part of an exit interview process. Your first reaction is, Why do I care? I’m not going to be here.

But before you rule it out, here are a few things to think about.

We all know why employers like exit interviews, at least smart employers.

They give them the chance to find out what’s really going on behind the scenes between their employees and supervisors and to make necessary corrections in policies, procedures or even supervisors.

But why should you, the employee, care? That’s a good question. Here are some reasons why you should choose to complete the interview process. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Set & Reach Your Goals

reach your goals

Do you feel stuck in your job or your life? Are you growing a bit stale and stagnant?

Maybe it’s time to move onward and upward, but you don’t really know how to get there? Then perhaps what you’re missing is a personal growth plan.

A personal growth plan is an organized way to help you realize your full potential in your career and in your life.

Are you ready? Here are some elements of a personal growth plan. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Do Your Best Work

do your best

There is a great little book about life and living called The Four Agreements. It is a New York Times bestseller by the Toltec Indian teacher and spiritual guide by Don Miguel Ruiz.

It features four simple agreements that if you practice them regularly, will improve your life and living. One of them, the fourth actually, is Always Do Your Best.

This agreement, which you make with yourself, allows all the other positive things that you do in life to become more effective and to reach their full potential so that you can live a happy and contented life.

But you can also utilize this agreement to make the most of your time at work. And since you spend a third of your life there, the practices that you introduce at work will spill over to help you make the most of the rest of your life as well. Click Here to Read Article …