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Computer Safety: How to Protect Your Body

Nowadays we use computers almost everywhere — and for everything. We use computers at work to do our job and at home to play games, chat with friends, view pictures or videos and sometimes even more work.

There are a lot of professions that require 8 to 12 hours of work each day on a computer. You have to protect yourself so you can get your best work done without compromising your own well-being. Here are several things that you can do to protect yourself from your computer.
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Book Review: Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More

David Allen is known as the GTD Guy. Stever Robbins is known as the GID Guy. Both offer great insights on productivity using very different approaches. Both are also published authors, and Robbins’ latest book, Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More, hit bookstores a few weeks back. The book is a fairly light read, yet brimming with tips and information that are sprinkled with Robbins’ signature humor and style.
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