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Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields

Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields

On this special episode of the Work Awesome podcast, Mike Vardy chats with the Career Renegade himself, Jonathan Fields.

Jonathan is a highly-demanded speaker and accomplished author, whose latest book, Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance, drops this week. This new work discusses the aspects of uncertainty that hinder people, as well as how to overcome uncertainty when it is holding you back. And that just scratches the surface of this incredibly motivating and inspiring book.

During this interview, the topics of uncertainty is explored — a great primer for a book that is sure to awaken many people who aren’t living to their fullest because of being afraid of what lies beyond…and propelling them forward to face uncertainty head-on.
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Finding Your Passion and Inner Calling

Finding Your Passion and Inner Calling

In my previous post, I had talked about the difference between pursuing a job, career or your calling and the impact pursuing your calling has on your level of happiness at work. In this post, we talk about finding your passion and inner calling.

Now, following your calling is understandably easier said than done. How do you even go about the crucial step of discovering your calling? If you are not one of the lucky few, who somehow landed themselves what they truly love, what can you consciously do about it? Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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Master the Art of Motivation by Making Pain-to-Passion Transition

Master the Art of Motivation by Making Pain-to-Passion Transition

If you want to become a master of your own motivation, so that you have relentless discipline and persistence to achieve your goals, you must understand that there is a past, present and future to the evolution of motivation.

In the past. . .

You had no motivation. But then something inspired you. I can’t say exactly what it was, but I can guess that you developed a burning desire to succeed based on the old methods for motivation.

. . . Methods that are now obsolete. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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5 Money Saving Tips for Freelancers

5 Money Saving Tips for Freelancers

So, at last you have decided to dive deep into the freelance world and have already started to feel the freedom of working under yourself and further on your own schedules. Sounds thrilling! Doesn’t it? Your dream of working while seated in the local café or bookshop and drinking coffee comes true.

However, this honeymoon phase might fade out soon, and you find might yourself gazing miserably at your bank account. With these hot money saving tips, you should be alright.

Financial stress, however, is not necessarily an essential condition of freelancing. Nevertheless, financial sickness can come from freelancing if not done with proper care. You have to make a few compromises and planning if you want to step ahead and become financially fitas a freelancer. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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6 Ways to Build Your Brand Using LinkedIn

Is your business signed up on LinkedIn? Good for you.

LinkedIn is the professional equivalent to Facebook and Twitter. It is it largest professional social media networking site with more than 100 million users.

The primary purpose is to connect professionals based on their experience, education, similar career interests and other serious aspects. It is one of the most resourceful tools on the Web to help you build your brand and professional network. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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How to Quit Your Job – 5 Steps to Transition Into a New Career

While travelling in Dallas for work, I picked up a book titled One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher. It spoke about how wearing many hats and not being tied down to a full-time job can work for you. In the first few chapters,I made an instant connection: There were a lot of people with dynamic careers out there in the world — just like me — who wanted to know how to quit their full-time job!

I’m a Corporate Banker/Real Estate Agent/Writer/Board Chair for my local Boys & Girls Club. For a long time, I was my biggest critic about these several slashes. I thought to myself, “Okay, Cat, you’ve proved that you can do a lot. . . now pick one. . . one!” Click Here to Read Article …

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Identifying Your Red Zone of Success

In American football, there’s something called the “Red Zone.” It’s the part of the field inside the twenty yard line, and performance (both offensively and defensively) inside this area is one of the key determining factors of a team’s success or failure.

Teams that easily advance the ball down the field but can’t score in the Red Zone will lose football games. Similarly, teams that play great open field defense but can’t prevent scores in the Red Zone will lose. Performance within this very small sliver of the field often determines overall success or failure for a team. Click Here to Read Article …

Your Excuses Literally Possess You Like a Demon

Let me ask you a question. . .

Have you ever met someone who is truly successful in the way you want success?

I’ve learned that successful people drop the excuses and take full responsibility for their success. As a result, they don’t just get what they want in life–they get the life they always wanted.

When you take responsibility for your success, people automatically want to hand you positions of leadership, and follow your great example. People who take responsibility easily make important friends and are well-liked by others. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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