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Top 5 Task Management Programs for Small Businesses

Task management

When it comes to running a small company effectively, task management is one of the keys to success. For many years, however, small business owners have had to deal with the added expense of hiring an IT expert to upgrade and maintain licensed software across their computer networks, which is why they are always looking for ways to cut this cost.

Fortunately, business software is much more affordable now that cloud-based applications give users a number of powerful tools that can be synced with desktops and mobile computing devices. Best of all, most apps can be scaled according to a company’s demand, which means that owners no longer have to worry about paying thousands of dollars for software features they don’t need. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Find & Delegate Tasks to Virtual Assistants

Have you ever watched, eyes green with envy, as administrative virtual assistants skillfully smooth away the bumps in an executive’s day?

If only,” you think, “I could afford to have someone like that to answer the phone, keep my calendar, keep me organized, make travel arrangements, keep up with social media, update my website, deal with customers, keep my books… (the list goes on) Then, I could really focus on the important things that will make my business or career thrive! But, alas, I don’t have the _____ (fill in the blank: money, time, know-how, office space, etc.) to hire someone like that.”

So you go on spinning through your days, bouncing from crisis to crisis while the important things remain undone. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Manage Time Better

Manage time

With so many hardware and software tools available at one’s disposal these days, many of us are of the view that these technology tools distract and hamper time spent on more productive activities.

However, this view represents only on side of the issue. One can efficiently manage time by leveraging the power of technology and use some of the great tools to simplify and organize life at work and on the personal front. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Get Started as a New Manager

New manager

Congratulations on your promotion, by the way. As a new manager, you’re probably jazzed about the raise, the fancy new job title, and having an extra bit of authority within the organization. Considering your awesome work ethic, extensive experience, and great attitude, you earned it!

But what do you do now? Transitioning from individual contributor to manager isn’t easy for everyone. To help you out, I spoke with a few new managers and an executive coach to get their top tips for first-time managers.
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Should I Outsource? To Be Or Not To Be Outsourcing


There’s a half-joke that trolls round my office: “You cannot do it? Outsource it to the guy next to you!” Well, I agree, this doesn’t quite mean outsourcing but rather passing the buck, yet it works like charm at times!

To state things straight, it’s a world of interaction we live in and businesses often need to outsource tasks that can be done cheaper and better by specialized third parties. How to know if outsourcing is a go for your business?

This is quite a delicate matter, even though almost every company or professional has experienced outsourcing at some point, especially when starting up. Some businesses choose to outsource narrow processes such as billing, while others externalize large sections (customer service is among the most common task here). Click Here to Read Article …

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Crisis Cruising – an Extreme Sport?

The crisis is the most blessed situation that may occur for countries and persons alike, because it leads to evolution. It’s during crisis that great inventions, discoveries and strategies are born. Without crisis there is no struggle, without struggle life is a tedious routine, an irksome agony. Without crisis there is no value”  ~ Albert Einstein

Life is shifting around us, inside and through us, in a surprising, unpredictable way.  After the consumerist frenzy of recent years, the stunning growth rates, overall enthusiasm and boom investments, suddenly the public agenda gave rise to austerity, bankruptcy and economic recession. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Evaluate Your Leadership Style

I have a question for you: How do you rate yourself as a leader?

In asking this question of people at leadership seminars through the years, I’ve found that most leaders rank their leadership style as at least an 8 on a scale of 10. Seldom do they give themselves a low mark.

However, when the tables are turned and people are asked to rank their boss’s leadership style, many grade their leaders as being merely adequate. At worst, some are seen as office autocrats who depend heavily on the often-referenced “seagull management” technique as their sole line of attack — they leave their people alone until something goes wrong, and then they fly in, make a lot of noise, dump all over everyone, and fly out. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Tips and Tricks to Consider before Relocating

There is no question that certain places have a better economy than others. If you live in one of the not- so-great economy states, chances are your business lives there as well. This is where one can consider relocating.

A not-so-great economy makes starting a small business much more difficult, and for this reason many businesses fall short of success. In this up and down economy, you want every advantage you can get when it comes to the success of your business. For many, this means relocating.

Most business could thrive in a different location, but many company owners are too afraid to take the risk. Relocation is a never a sure thing, and moving a family or away from family can be tough. However, there are steps a business owner can take to make sure that they relocate to a city with potential for the company. Click Here to Read Article …

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