Displaying All Posts in the Work Life Balance category

10 Tips to Achieve Worklife Balance

Is spending every possible minute on your work the best thing for your business? Is it the best thing for your life? What about worklife balance? It seems logical that the more you put into work, the more you will get out of it, right? If you work 80 hrs a week, you will surely make more money and be more successful.

That may be true for a certain amount of time. However, eventually, we all know that this leads to burn out, and can actually have a negative effect on your business and even worse, your life and those around you. Working every minute of the day completely kills your worklife balance. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Stress-Busters to Beat a Deadline

5 Stress-Busters to Beat a Deadline

I totally thrive under the pressure of a deadline. I use deadlines to make myself just start on the work, much less finish it, because I realize that old axiom that “work expands to fill the available time” is true. I’m famous for trying to squeeze in “just one more thing” before even starting the thing I’m supposed to be working on. Here’s where the stress-busters come into picture.

In the past when a deadline approached I would have gone and grabbed myself a snack, taken out my contacts and put on my glasses, gone and gotten my third Americano of the day, and settled in for the marathon session. Click Here to Read Article …

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Are You a Victim of Performance Punishment?

Ever experience performance punishment? Imagine if Derek Jeter were so valuable to the (then) Greensboro Hornets they would never allow him to progress through the developmental leagues and on to the fabled career in the majors he (and baseball fans around the world!) now enjoys.

Or, what if the Cleveland Cavaliers gave LeBron James the keys to the kingdom to incentivize him to play out his entire career in a secondary media market with a slim chance of ever winning a championship? Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Ways to Know You Need More Life Balance

5 Ways to Know You Need More Life Balance

There are books and websites and TV shows that claim to teach the secrets to living a life of balance. With the madness of everyday life, achieving a “balanced life” has become the dream that every adult strives for. Being the best you can be without breaking a sweat.

It’s become the “have it all” of the 21st century: Excelling at work, raising brilliant and well-behaved kids, pursuing high education to move up in your career and keeping an exciting and loving relationship with a spouse. Of course, taking on every aspect of your life is a recipe for failure, and will stress you out even more. Click Here to Read Article …

Enrich Your Life – Go on a Digital Sabbatical

Once a week, I disconnect my modem and “disappear” from the Internet. I don’t check my e-mails, I don’t tweet or share anything on Facebook, I don’t surf. And unless I’m expecting any urgent messages, I even turn off my mobile phone. My decision to go on a weekend digital sabbatical is my way of balancing my tight schedule and quieting my monkey mind.

Social web strategist Gwen Bell is perhaps one of the most popular proponents of the digital sabbatical. For the whole month of July, Gwen decided to get unplugged and vowed that for the whole month that she won’t check e-mails, tweet, read blogs or do any digital work. Click Here to Read Article …

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