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6 Job Search Tips to Fill an Employment Gap

When you’re searching for a job, the fact that you’re currently unemployed might weigh on you as you consider what potential employers will think about the time you’ve spent out of the workforce.

If you’re out of work and want to demonstrate you’ve spent your time wisely during that period, there are several things you can do.

Here are six job search tips that can help you use your employment gap to your advantage. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways Your Instincts Can Produce Brilliant Work

5 Ways Your Instincts Can Produce Brilliant Work

We all have instincts or intuitions from time to time that give us hints or clues about what to do or what we should do in certain situations. Some people call this trusting your gut feeling.

Whatever you call it, science is now confirming that these guesses are actually a process that your brain uses to help you determine the proper course of action.

The scientific journal Neuron published research that shows that trusting your instincts, or what they call “subliminal thinking,” actually allows people to correctly guess the right answer to a series of difficult questions.

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5 Easy Steps to Finishing Big Projects

5 Easy Steps to Finishing Big Projects

Do you feel intimidated whenever you hear the phrase “project management?”

It sounds kind of overwhelming and technical, doesn’t it?

But what’s even more frightening and devastating is when you’ve got a project you’ve been meaning to finish, but months keep going by and it’s still on your to-do list.

You’re depriving your clients of something that could make a positive difference in their lives as well as missing out on opportunities and revenue breakthroughs. Most importantly, it’s weighing on you emotionally, making you feel guilty that you haven’t gotten around to it.

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4 Secrets to Success when Starting a New Job

After graduating from college with a fairly broad degree, I quickly realized that my skill set for starting a new job wasn’t as specialized as I had hoped it would be. I knew that I was more than capable of learning new tasks, I just needed someone to take a chance and give me the kind of on-the-job training that would get me to the next level.

Unfortunately, the majority of companies I applied to just weren’t interested in hiring someone that wasn’t already proficient at using various computer programs or completing certain tasks, so I became accustomed to rejection.

Then, by luck or some other miracle, I received the job offer I had been waiting for. I spent the next few days celebrating the accomplishment and then, as I sat through orientation after orientation, I realized that I would need to soak up a significant amount of technical knowledge to be successful at this new job. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips on What to Wear at Work

6 Tips on What to Wear at Work

Even if there is no official dress code at your work, that doesn’t mean anything goes. Nobody really minds piercings, tattoos or nose-rings any more, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t dos and don’ts when it comes to office apparel and what to wear to work.

Depending on the type of employer, there may be nods, winks and more that suggest an employee go home and change if they are too suggestive on the shop floor.

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Dealing With Anger at Work

Dealing with anger is often difficult. It might even sound like a good idea to let off a little of that steam, like pricking a balloon and feeling that white-hot energy dissipate.

The problem with anger, particularly at work, is that once we start releasing that flow, it’s kind of like lava from a volcano. We don’t know exactly when it will stop or what damage it might cause on the way down.

So how do you handle it? Here are a few strategies that might help with dealing with anger in the workplace. Click Here to Read Article …

The Power of Positivity

These days, it seems stress is a normal part of life. Our daily lives can be crazy, and sometimes things pile on and you can’t help but feel downtrodden, but there is a way to handle it.

Our mood and perception of events plays a huge part in our day to day lives. It affects how we see ourselves, how we treat others, the amount of work we do, the quality of that work, and our positivity.

When you’re in a bad mood, for whatever reason, you’re more likely to get frustrated, feel bad about yourself, and be less productive as a result. Even worse, the feeling is cyclical, and as you get less done you feel worse and prolong that feeling.

Our mood can often feel like something we have no control over, and it’s true that we don’t really have control over what other people might do to upset us. But, we have an exceptional amount of control over the way we frame our thoughts and deal with things that upset us.

Learning to practice positivity throughout your day will encourage better work habits and a good mood. When you have a good mood, people will appreciate talking to you and working with you more, too. Take these few simple steps to improving your daily life. Click Here to Read Article …

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power of positivity

How to Make Your Mark at Your New Job

Starting a new job can present a range of emotions: excitement, nervousness, appreciation, etc. One pretty consistent feeling is the desire to get off to a good start.

Whether you are beginning your first job out of college, moving around within the industry, or starting on a new career path, here are a few ways to make your mark in your new position. Click Here to Read Article …