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How to Ask for a Raise & Get It

Are you looking forward to but not sure how to ask for a raise? Usually, it can’t hurt to ask. After all, most bosses are certainly quick to ask if you can do a little extra work. Maybe you have been asked to work late, come in early, train the new employee, fix the problem your co-worker has made, or keep things running while the boss goes on vacation. The question then becomes: When it is okay for the employee to ask for a raise?

Unfortunately, when it comes to wanting more money out of your job, asking can be tricky and sometimes awkward. Although most companies do yearly evaluations, it is tough to know whether or not you are established enough after one year to ask for a raise if you’re new to the company. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

Whether it be their attitude, their laziness, or the fact that they just won’t stop talking, just about everyone wants to know how to deal with difficult people at work. Sound familiar?

This is a problem that is usually not addressed at the start of a job, yet it can hinder your production and bring down your attitude. If one of your co-workers takes away your motivation to come to work, something needs to be done. However, this is not always an easy task. Click Here to Read Article …

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Are You a Victim of Performance Punishment?

Ever experience performance punishment? Imagine if Derek Jeter were so valuable to the (then) Greensboro Hornets they would never allow him to progress through the developmental leagues and on to the fabled career in the majors he (and baseball fans around the world!) now enjoys.

Or, what if the Cleveland Cavaliers gave LeBron James the keys to the kingdom to incentivize him to play out his entire career in a secondary media market with a slim chance of ever winning a championship? Click Here to Read Article …

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Boss, Can I Go Telecommuting?

Telecommuting is not really new to the business community. A CNN Money article reveals that multinational companies like Cisco Technologies, S.C. Johnson, and Accenture have at least 20% of their employees telecommute. In 2008, data shows that close to 20 million US workers telecommute.

If your company hasn’t embraced yet the idea of telecommuting, how do you convince management to give it a try? What should you do to justify this work arrangement? What are the benefits of telecommuting for both the employee and the company?

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Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Working from Home? How to Stay Sane

Though many people dream of working designing their own work schedule and getting projects done in their pajamas, working from home isn’t always a picnic. Yet, if you have taken the telecommuter option or have embarked upon a home-based business, here are a few tips to keep you sane, thriving, and productive on the home front.

Set Up Your Working Space

Though the basement level of your home may seem like the ideal place to set up your home office, if there’s no sunlight and it’s cold and musty, chances are you won’t be very productive there. The kitchen table isn’t a great option either—constant traffic and homework mixed in with your work files doesn’t contribute to your productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

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Workaholic Anonymous – 5 Steps to Stop

Spotting an alcoholic or drug addict is so easy, but have you realized that you could be sitting right next to a workaholic and not notice him or her at all?

Sometimes, we don’t have to look far to discover that we ourselves are addicted to work—somehow the addiction snuck in while we were busy working.

Some people are surprised to hear that work could indeed be addicting. “Oh, there’s nothing like working too much,” or “Me? I am just working hard! Isn’t it the right thing?” Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Deal with Organizational Change

As a professional writer, I value the input of editors whom I trust. When I get a good editor who knows my work, I usually do my best to keep him or her happy. I try to build a great professional relationship with my editors, and I do my best to make it lasting.

I’ve had one editor for the past year at my job whose opinions I really respect. His knowledge of writing is unsurpassed, and, perhaps even more importantly, how he talks about my writing truly impresses me. He just seems to get me; he always knows just how to offer his suggestions and criticism, and he does so in a way that respects my own work. In a sense, we make a good writing team. Click Here to Read Article …

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Career Search Insights Your College Never Gave You

At this time of year my mailbox is filled with resumes from college seniors looking for their first real job and begin their career. The sad truth is that all of those resumes go directly into the garbage, for two reasons: This is not an efficient way for me to hire employees, and I believe people who simply send out unsolicited resumes are not really serious about their career.

It’s not that I’m a stickler for proper job-hunting protocol. In fact, over the years I’ve hired four people who simply showed up at my office without an appointment, requesting to tell me how and why they would make a good member of my team. These are the type of prospective employees whose resumes I do read. Click Here to Read Article …