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The Art of Self-Assertion

If you ask, you shall receive. It sounds simplistic, but it works in all kinds of ways.

If you’d like to make a sale, ask your customer if they’re ready to buy.

If you’d like to work on a new project, ask if you can get involved.

If you want a raise, ask for one.

Asking for what you want is often the quickest way to get it. Self-assertion allows you to take control, be proactive and grow as a person. Instead of seeing a world of limits, you see a world of opportunities. Instead of living small, you live large.

Being assertive is a critical skill, but many people are hesitant to try. If this is something you struggle with, read on for some helpful tips. Click Here to Read Article …

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Create a Web Banner in Microsoft Word

I’ve reviewed some of the things that can be done using Word 2007 – but it is not a web tool.  Well, it’s not necessarily a web tool.

What if you are stuck and need a simple web banner?  You can actually create web banner ads directly in Microsoft Word.  The following tutorial shows you how to do just that. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Ways to Get More From Your Commute Time

According to the United States Census Bureau survey, Americans spend more than 100 hours a year commuting to work. Australians don’t fare much better, as the average daily commute time ranges from 22 minutes up to 35 minutes. And if the infamous opening scene from Office Space is any indication, most workers don’t enjoy weaving in and out of traffic (or being crammed into a public transportation, as the case may be). Click Here to Read Article …

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Professional Resume Design for Non-Designers

Writing a good resume can get you the job…or at least will put you on top of the pile.

But professional resume design is a skill not everyone has. No worries though, there is help out there. Here is how to create a resume format that will make your skills  stand out. Design is important next to content. The grouping, highlighting and placement of the text can help your resume stand out. Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Sunday Night Blues Busters for a Better Monday Morning

The weekends go by so fast. The sense of excitement and anticipation you felt on Friday afternoon slips away, and by Sunday night, the weight of another Monday morning presses down on you like a ton of bricks. Welcome to the Sunday Night Blues. Okay, maybe it’s not always that bad (let’s hope!), but if you don’t like your job, or you struggle with stress, Sunday nights can be a time of anxiety and dread. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Importance of Vacation Time

Many of us have an aversion to using our vacation time. This seems to be more prevalent in the United States than in the rest of the world, and I’m not sure why, since we get fewer days off than most other countries. For some of us, we just feel too guilty about taking days off. We think our workplace will shut down if we’re not there to pull our weight. Others get a similar vibe (either real or perceived) from their managers or co-workers. In any case, think about how many times you’ve heard yourself or one of your colleagues say “I have too much to do and can’t get away” as you bury yourself further into another project. Click Here to Read Article …

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Data Backup and Sync Strategies #1: What Data Should You Back Up?

(Editor’s Note: This article is the first in a data backup and sync series here on WorkAwesome.)

Backing up your data. It’s common sense, right? You should backup your data as often as possible. Simple, isn’t it? Yet everyday we hear horror stories of people losing important information because their laptop was stolen, computer was hacked or a hard drive failed.

So, while you know that data should be backed up, it is important that you setup automated processes so that it is done behind the scenes every day. Keep in mind that losing data means a huge loss in productivity (apart from mental stress). You don’t want your hard work to go waste, right? Click Here to Read Article …