Displaying All Posts tagged with planning

How to Become Financially Independent

how to become financially independent

Financial independence is the dream many individuals aspire to reach.

The idea of being able to earn your own income is a worthwhile thing to pursue, and luckily if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re already a step ahead of the rest of the world.

On the other hand, just because you’re bringing in your own source of income at the moment doesn’t mean the situation is set in stone.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur currently working for someone else, or an established business owner, here are a few steps you can take to protect and preserve your financial autonomy. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Productivity Hacks for More Time in Your Business

There is no doubt cloud-based apps help you grow your business successfully and let you provide a better overall experience for your customers.

But as you grow, a tipping point emerges that can make you feel like you are working for your apps — moving data and repeating data entry — instead of having them work for you.

Most independent and home-based businesses now use at least five cloud-based apps, including email, marketing, project management software, online calendars, invoicing and book-keeping, and cloud-based storage services.

This is great when you are starting up: Each cloud app will help you to organize your business operations without having to invest in licensed software. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Easy Steps to Finishing Big Projects

project management process

Do you feel intimidated whenever you hear the phrase “project management?”

It sounds kind of overwhelming and technical, doesn’t it?

But what’s even more frightening and devastating is when you’ve got a project you’ve been meaning to finish, but months keep going by and it’s still on your to-do list.

You’re depriving your clients of something that could make a positive difference in their lives as well as missing out on opportunities and revenue breakthroughs. Most importantly, it’s weighing on you emotionally, making you feel guilty that you haven’t gotten around to it.

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9 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Company

Increase Efficiency

In order to reach their goals, some businesses ask their employees to work longer hours. While this is necessary in some cases, you may consider an alternative approach: finding ways to be more efficient with the time you have. Smart work can increase productivity more than hard work. Regardless of your businesses product or service, there are many ways to increase efficiency.

Consider the following 9 points: Click Here to Read Article …

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10 Tips for a More Productive Day

The hours in a day are limited and every minute wasted is when your competition is getting better. Successful entrepreneurs and young professionals alike all share something in common – they understand the importance of a productive day.

Of course, not every day will be as productive as you wanted it to be, but understanding the lessons learned is what can set you apart from the rest. So here is some food for thought with a list of 10 tips for a more productive day: Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Underrated Productivity Improvement Tools

All things equal, why are we able to focus some days better than others? Howcome we see a productivity improvement at certain times only?

It doesn’t make sense. You’re not being distracted and you’re trying to be productive, but your mind is simply cloudy. The conventional productivity tips aren’t working and you’re getting frustrated. Lucky for you, there is an answer.

Could there be more to productivity than writing a list and executing it? Could there be some indirect factors that have a much greater effect on our ability to focus on tasks than we realize? Click Here to Read Article …

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Stress from Business Travel: How to Avoid it

If your job has you on the road, you have to be on the ball about taking care of yourself, otherwise a few months into a heavy business travel circuit will leave you baggy eyed, flabby, and exhausted, with a messy apartment on top of it. You can beat the stress and maintain optimum health and sanity by recognizing the common business travel pitfalls, and then learning how to avoid them. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Increase Your Productivity by 500%

Editor’s Note: There’s a Bulgarian Translation of this article here.

You see, we have all these tips around us that can dramatically increase our productivity, but we fail to incorporate them into our life.

I have heard some of these tips over and over again. I dismissed them and never used them because I thought they were nonsense. Click Here to Read Article …

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