Displaying All Posts tagged with staying focused

Staying Focused with RescueTime

Sometimes it’s a bit difficult to stay on track when you have so many distractions around you.  Tweets popping up, emails coming in, and YouTube videos being shared can all catch your eye. Then before you know it you’re watching the complete first season of Mad Men on Netflix as your deadline whooshes by.

Have you ever wanted to just turn off the internet, so you could finish the project you’re working on? Wouldn’t a tool that would allow you to do so be just what you’re after?

Enter RescueTime.
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How to Stay Focused, Effective and Stress-Free

How to Stay Focused, Effective and Stress-Free

Until recently I was going in to the office to work Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. But over the past few months for a variety of reasons, I’ve slowly cut back my in-office time and now I pretty much only work from home. There are a lot of benefits to this, such as working in my pajamas, making hot lunches and more time with my wife — who also works from home. There are also a lot of challenges including household distractions, a flexibility that leads to procrastination, and household chores and errands somehow manage to take up more of the day than they used to.
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