Displaying All Posts tagged with video conferencing

How To Increase Your Employee’s Productivity With Video Conferencing

Keeping your employees productive is one of the most important parts of maintaining a profitable business.

Unfortunately, coordinating a large amount of people, keeping them on task and keeping them working to their full potential can quickly prove to be a challenging task no matter now skilled of a manager you happen to be.

But if your business has video conferencing abilities, you can greatly increase your productivity for almost no additional cost to your business.

If you don’t have video conferencing capabilities for your business yet, try researching Bluejeans, AdobeConnect or Cisco WebEx. All of the aforementioned services have their own pros and cons, so make sure to do your research before you invest into one.

If you would like to increase the profitability of your business, read through all of the tips outlined in the sections below. You might find some information that you haven’t considered before. Click Here to Read Article …

A Business Owner’s Guide to VoIP Services

A Business Owner’s Guide to VoIP Services

Communication is a pivotal component in any business.

As such, you want to make sure that you have an effective means of communication to keep the daily business processes flowing.

If you’ve been researching the various options your business has for telephone communications, then you’ve likely heard of Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) systems.

Such phone systems are becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes as the popularity of the Internet and modern technologies continues to increase.

Below, you’ll find a more in depth understanding of what a VoIP system is and some of its benefits for businesses. Click Here to Read Article …

A Beginner’s Guide to Web Video

Web video is hot. From YouTube to Skype video chat and all that falls in between, it’s everywhere. You may be wondering if video can help you do your job — or even find a job. But you may also find it daunting. Don’t you need to have a film degree to do video on the web? Don’t you need to spend thousands of dollars on cameras, lights and microphones to make anything worth sharing? Luckily, the answer to both of those questions is “no.”

All you really need is a good idea and a goal. Click Here to Read Article …

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