Displaying All Posts tagged with web apps

Review: Productive Web Apps — Search, Compare, Rate Your Favourite Apps

Review: Productive Web Apps — Search, Compare, Rate Your Favourite Apps

It seems like every day there are hundreds of new web apps telling you how to be more productive. With so many choices, how are you ever expected to find one that actually works for you? That is the question Scott Purcell asked himself, spurring the creation of Productivewebapps.com.

He emphasizes this point on the website, saying, “Until now there has been no one place where you could go to search, compare, rate and comment on hundreds of web apps like Productive Web Apps does.” So, the question is, will this make your life easier? Click Here to Read Article …

Review: ActiveInbox – Get a Handle on Your Email

Having a clean, organized email inbox is the Holy Grail for the 21st century. Talk to just about anyone and you’re likely to hear:

“Yeah, it’s a mess. Thank goodness Gmail has a great search function or I’d really have a problem.”

Wouldn’t it be great if you could reach finally achieve that eternal quest?

Thanks to ActiveInbox, you may finally have a tool that will help you achieve just that. ActiveInbox is a browser extension created by Andy Mitchell and Pete Lambert based on the premise that emails are just badly formatted tasks.

ActiveInbox has two parts:

  1. Turning your emails into tasks and then grouping them into projects.
  2. Streamlining writing replies.

Turning Your Emails into Tasks,Then Group Them into Projects

ActiveInbox lets you choose whether an email is:

  • an action;
  • to be dealt with someday;
  • or something you’re waiting for a response from someone on.

This has two main benefits. One is that it forces you to make a conscious decision about what to do with the email instead of just letting it sit there. The other is that it makes it easy to tell at a glance what needs to be done when — not to mention allowing you to keep track of when you need to prod someone about a follow-up email.
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10 Productivity-Enhancing Apps from the Chrome Web Store

Google launched their Chrome Web Store last year to some well-received notice. But in reality, it serves only as a glorified directory for web apps accessible on any standards-compliant browser. And that isn’t necessarily a downer. In fact, with little intervention needed to work on Chrome, many web apps were immediately available via this store — including a bunch of awesome apps that can enhance anyone’s productivity.

The range of productivity-enhancing apps available on this web store range from PowerPoint replacements to full-fledged viewers for AutoCAD files. Let’s take a look at a few that you can use in a generic workflow.

1. MindMeister

MindMeister is a web-based mind mapping and brainstorming tool that allows you to create maps that can be worked on collaboratively. This collaboration is in “realtime” and is also global — with an integrated live chat to communicate with your coworkers when working on a map.

Once your session is over, you can export maps for offline browsing in popular formats such as Office and PDF. Plus, an iPhone and iPad application can access the maps for mobile browsing.


2. Vyew

Vyew is an app that’s “beyond web conference” which warrants its title thanks to its realtime whiteboard and document collaboration tools. Multiple viewers can join a session in a “room” and review documents — or watch a stream of the host’s desktop.

Webcam streaming isn’t the main feature of this app, but it is used to create a real, lifestyle conference when you just can’t meet up with your team.

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WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 7 – Michael Sliwinski

WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 7 – Michael Sliwinski

After a two week break, the WorkAwesome podcast returns featuring an interview with Michael Sliwinski, creator of Nozbe and founder of Productive Firm.

Nozbe is a cloud-based tool that Sliwinski designed for his own personal use at first, but released it to the public a few years back and has been growing steadily ever since. It was one of the first well-known productivity web apps, and has since been incorporated into mobile apps for the iPhone and iPad to allow you to keep getting things done even when you’re on the move.
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