Displaying All Posts tagged with weekend

How Do You Ease into the Work Week?

A freelance friend of mine recently commented that she has a hard time transitioning from weekend to weekday. “How do you ease into your work week?” she asked. “Monday mornings are always killer!”

I’m afraid I have the opposite problem: work days and weekends blend together thanks to my BlackBerry and MacBook addictions. This means I rarely have a huge email overload on Monday morning, but I also miss out on the chance to feel completely relaxed and rested because I’m never fully unplugged. However, I do make sure I have something fun to do Sunday night (often watching Mad Men with the aforementioned friend), so I’ll start the week on a positive note. It helps that I also try to stick to roughly the same sleep schedule so I’m not throwing my circadian rhythms out of whack.

Your turn! How do you transition into the work week? Do you keep worktime and playtime clearly delineated? Or, like me, do you sometimes find they blend together? Click Here to Read Article …

5 Top Web Comics for Adults

Reading web comics on the weekends could be a nice way to freshen up your mind after five days of busy schedule.

This list contains some of my top web comics for adults, especially geek adults. My love for all things tech is reflected in this list too. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Ways to Add Value to Your Weekend

Hopefully you’re reading this post over a coffee on Monday morning after a perfect weekend.  Your batteries are fully charged and you’re feeling ready to conquer the world this week.  You’re well rested, invigorated, and able to tackle whatever the week brings you.

No?  Doesn’t sound quite like you?  Maybe you’re like the rest of us, stuffing the weekend so full of activities that you need to go back to work just to get a rest.  Here are a few quick tips that you can use to help get you ready to go back to work on Monday. Click Here to Read Article …