Displaying All Posts from April, 2012

Selling Isn’t Just for Sales People


When I first joined my company two years ago, I had no experience in the field. I was a traditional journalist and book editor moving into web marketing. Now, I’m the director of the department. And I credit getting there by knowing how to exercise selling and be a good sales person.

Everything we do throughout our career involves selling. In this case, it’s not about selling a product or a service; it’s about selling yourself to get hired, to be promoted, or even to get that raise.

Today, companies aren’t looking for the most experienced candidate or the one with the perfect skill sets. They’re looking for the candidate that fit best with their culture, the candidate who’s confident, is prepared, and asks good questions to truly understand what the company needs. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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How to Criticize — and Be Loved for it

Do you know the feeling when you want criticize someone’s behaviour, but you’re scared of damaging your relationship with that person?

You’re right to be cautious: criticism is a double-edged sword. It can be immensely helpful, but also devastatingly hurtful.

In this post, I’d like to give you eight tips and ideas on how you can offer criticism as constructively as possible — and leave the other person not angry, but thankful for your support. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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8 Useful Tasks When Business is Slow

There is no getting around that all business, no matter products or service, is cyclical in nature with both busy and down periods.  Busy periods take care of themselves and you will likely be juggling many balls in the air. Slow periods are trying as you watch profits fall due to non-productivity.

However, slow periods can be a great time to reposition your company for growth during the next boom cycle. Below are 8 useful tasks that will help your business take maximum advantage of the next uptick. Click Here to Read Article …

Popular search terms for this article:

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