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Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

home improvement tips

Your house doesn’t care whether you’re on a budget or have plenty of cash to spare.

When fixtures break down or the foundation cracks, you have to take care of them before the damage worsens.

Even if you are renting your home, you may be liable for the repairs.

These tips can help you handle the necessary tasks without going into debt or paying more than necessary. Click Here to Read Article …

A Communications Degree Is No Laughing Matter

communication major jobs

On college campuses around the country, communications majors are marginalized and scoffed, as students in basically every other degree program look down on the field as useless and simple.

Still, every year, more and more graduates enter the job market with degrees in communication, and employers are welcoming them with open arms.

The study of communications may sound vague and worthless — after all, people without degrees appear to communicate just fine — but the material studied in communications is far more complex than most people realize.

In fact, the skills gained in communications classes can be applied to a wide variety of fields. There is certainly more than one reason to earn several degrees in communications. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Stop Wasting Time in Meetings


The first day of my first office job, my boss told me plainly, “There are two types of people in the business world. That guy who sets up all of the meetings and the rest of us, okay?”

He was no fan of wasting time, and it rubbed off on me in a big way. Spending countless hours in meetings — at least one per day at the height of my office career — is one of the driving reasons I moved away from working for others and started freelancing.

For the most part, fewer meetings have been a natural side effect of going into business for myself. My clients want to be bothered with unnecessary meetings every bit as little as I do. Click Here to Read Article …

Get to Know the Four Finalists for a Big Game Ad from Intuit (Sponsored)


Intuit is awarding one lucky small business the opportunity to have a 30-second TV advertisement during football’s biggest game on February 2nd as part of their “Small Business, Big Game” competition. They’ve got four finalists, and now you can learn more about each one.

  • Barley Labs, of Durham, N.C. – Produces all-natural dog treats
  • GoldieBlox, of Oakland, Calif. – Is a toy company inspiring girls to push limits
  • Locally Laid Egg Company, of Duluth, Minn. – Raises healthy hens on pasture
  • POOP – Natural Dairy Compost, of Nampa, Idaho – Produces natural and odorless dairy manure

Watch the finalist videos above and learn more at SmallBusinessBigGame.com. Keep an eye out during the Big Game on February 2nd to see the winning ad!

5 Things your Email Readers Hate (SPONSORED)

We’ve all had one of ‘those’ emails drop into our inboxes—the kind that make steam start to come out of your ears! Well, you may be unintentionally causing the same reaction in your readers because of a few mistakes…BUT the good news is that they’re easy to correct! We’ve picked out 5 of the top things that email newsletter readers hate, and how to avoid or fix the issues.

Watch the video and read more tips at www.constantcontact.com.

Your Biz Could Win a Big Game Ad from Intuit [Sponsored]

After helping out small biz owners for more than 22 years, Intuit wants to throw an unprecedented winning pass.

Check out this video from Intuit featuring football legend Jimmy Johnson, who explains how Intuit is giving one lucky small business their very own 30-second television advertisement that will air during football’s biggest game on February 2.

To sign up for the competition, visit the Small Business Big Game website. Just for entering, your small biz will receive the Intuit Small Business Playbook, a guide on hot topics for small businesses, and an exclusive 30-day free offer for QuickBooks Online. Your business will also be eligible for great giveaways including $1,000 business grants. The winner of the Small Business Big Game will be determined by the public (with the help of Intuit’s employees) in a few playoff rounds leading up to the Big Game.

Join the Small Business Big Game conversation on Facebook and Twitter with #TeamSmallBiz.

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3 Ways to Stop Worrying and Love Digital Marketing [Sponsored]

Businesses recognize that digital marketing is an essential part of the marketing mix, especially with the advent of social media bringing new users to the web at a rapid pace. But so often digital marketing initiatives are executed with fingers crossed and a vague hope that results will be achieved. Here are three tips for crafting killer campaigns in 2013.

1. Provide your community with relevant content. You can’t gloss over bad content with clever shortcuts.

2. Optimize your content with the most current best practices for SEO and social media engagement. You can’t just put content up on a microsite and expect people to flock to it.

3. Use an analytics platform that makes sense. Adobe Marketing Cloud, for example, will predict the future of your campaigns before you spend a dime. Check out the funny video above that illustrates the concept.

Tips for Working Efficiently from Home

The global economic environment has changed significantly with the rapid growth of the Internet.

One of the most fascinating new possibilities is that some people are now able to use the Internet to enable them to work from home. Understandably that is a very appealing dream for many, given that you would eradicate droll early morning commutes, but it is not without difficulty for those that attempt such a career path.
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