Displaying All Posts in the Your Life category

5 Habits that Boost Productivity

5 Habits that Boost Productivity

If you feel like you are always grappling with stress related to work, complaining about the workload and struggling to meet the deadlines while a colleague of yours is blazing all the way to glory with his superb work and productivity, something is wrong.

A little introspection would certainly help.

What is it that is keeping you from being as productive as your peers? Why do you feel drained halfway through the day?

Assuming that you love your work and have an inner desire to excel, it’s time to introduce some changes in your daily habits in order to deliver your best work. Click Here to Read Article …

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Your house doesn’t care whether you’re on a budget or have plenty of cash to spare.

When fixtures break down or the foundation cracks, you have to take care of them before the damage worsens.

Even if you are renting your home, you may be liable for the repairs.

These tips can help you handle the necessary tasks without going into debt or paying more than necessary. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Let Go of Resentment at Work

How to Let Go of Resentment at Work

As we grow in our lives and our careers, we pick up things along the way. Most of these things are positive and useful and allow us to grow into successful people.

But some of the things we hold on to are neither practicable nor of any use to us. In fact they only hold us back.

Two of those things are regrets and resentments, and what we discover is that we can’t get ahead while we are still pulling them along with us.

Regrets and resentments weigh us down and actually produce negative energy that will hinder our success. Until we deal with them. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips for a Bigger Better Career

5 Tips for a Bigger Better Career

Being positive can help at work and not just because you might feel better about yourself because you have a positive attitude.

There’s actual science that shows positivity can change our whole life and even increase our success at work.

Professor Barbara Fredrickson, a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the author of several books, including Positivity, has developed a theory.

She believes, after more than 20 years of research, that positivity can broaden your mind and build a better life and a bigger and better career. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips to Living Your Dream

5 Tips to Living Your Dream

We all have dreams and hopes for the future — things that we want to achieve, places we want to visit or move to.

Dreams are what can motivate us to get through school, to do the internship, to serve at the bottom until the pathway to the top opens up.

But dreams aren’t easy to realize — there are always obstacles in our way and sometimes things inside of us that hold us back.

If your dream feels particularly elusive, then maybe you have some of those internal obstacles holding you back.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about your dreams: Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Be Happier at Work

5 Ways to Be Happier at Work

There are a lot of articles and ideas about making the workplace more productive, but who is talking about making the workplace a happier place?

Since we spend a third of our lives there, maybe we should spend just a few more minutes thinking and talking about that.

And while there are many things an employer can do to make the workplace a more pleasant place to spend all that time in, we can do a lot all by ourselves.

Here are five ideas to find more happiness at work: Click Here to Read Article …

8 Tips for Winning Work & Life

8 Tips for Winning Work & Life

It’s easy to get caught up in your work life and neglect your home life.

“Just half an hour more,” is a regular saying for anyone pushing deadlines, but what is this doing to your health?

Work-related stress accounts for 40 percent of all workplace illness, so remembering to separate your work life and home life has never been so important.

Here are eight tips for staying happy and healthy within the workplace. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Succeed: Listen More

How to Succeed: Listen More

Far too many of us talk a lot but listen very little.

That probably means that we aren’t hearing all of the information that people are trying to provide to us.

It might mean that we are actually missing quite a lot.

Active listening can help us to both hear and learn more. It doesn’t mean that we can’t speak, but almost all can profit from listening to what others — especially our work colleagues — are trying to communicate to us.

The fact is that listening is one of the most important and under-rated skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness and on the quality of your relationships with others. Click Here to Read Article …