Displaying All Posts tagged with Productivity

Killer Chrome Extensions for Productive Browsing

When it comes to pure speed, Google Chrome stomps all over other browsers. Still, Firefox remains a popular choice for power users due to its wealth of extensions for just about any browser task imaginable. Fortunately, extensions for Chrome are proliferating at a fast and furious rate. Let’s take a look at some Chrome browser extensions that will make your online productivity equally fast and furious.

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Full Engagement at Work

Most of today’s companies still value presence over performance. The amount of time employees spend in the office matters more than what they accomplish during that time. The expectation of putting in long hours, regardless of whether or not it’s warranted, breeds a habit of filling time by creating non-critical activities, drifting into excessive socializing, or getting caught up in trivial office politics. For those of us who actually want to be productive rather than busy, being surrounded by counterproductive behavior can be frustrating.

How do you replace busyness with productivity? One powerful way is by increasing your presence-to-performance ratio.

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The Zen of An Empty Computer Desktop

Decluttering your cubicle or desk can greatly minimize visual distraction in the workplace. Seeing last week’s memo out of the corner of your eye can trigger your brain to periodically reevaluate its relevance. There’s no point in wasting cycles on redundant processing.

But what about your computer desktop? If you want to take workspace decluttering to its logical conclusion, getting rid of icons on your desktop is worth exploring.

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Begin Your Work Day at the End of It

One of the best ways to get more done every day is to make sure you get your most important task done first, from start to finish, without interruption. Focusing on that one task exclusively can be simple, but not easy. The problem usually isn’t lack of effort, but lack of clarity. How do you decide what’s most important?

Maybe that’s not the right question. Perhaps it’s not how you decide, but when. I’ll suggest that the one of the worst times to decide your top priority for right now is right now. It’s usually more effective to have already made your priority decisions beforehand. If this is true, then the best time to decide what your first task should be in the morning is the day before — ideally at the end of the work day.

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10 Online To Do List Manager Solutions to Get Things Done

Microsoft Outlook still reigns supreme for to do list management in the corporate office. It’s favored by IT departments, integrates with company email, sports awesome calendar sharing, and has a ton of other features that most of us will never use.

But cloud-based task managers are becoming more compelling and practical every day. It’s not uncommon for employees to spend their professional and personal time between three computers: a laptop, work desktop and home desktop. Throw an iPhone or Blackberry into the mix, and synchronization across all of these devices becomes an unwieldy engineering project. There has to be a better way.

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How to Avoid Wasting Time in Meetings

There are two types of people in the world: those who organize meetings, and those who hate them. If you’re reading this, it’s very likely that you fall into the latter category. The typical reason for hating meetings is simple: they’re usually a waste of time.

Status updates that could be sent by email, entered into wiki, or added to a group spreadsheet are turned into 30-90 minute rituals that prevent employees from getting actual work done.  There’s nothing worse than sitting idle for 50 minutes to get to 10 minutes’ worth of conversation that concerns you specifically.

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Be a Google Wave Rock Star

After the novelty of getting onto Google Wave for the first time wears off, the near-universal reaction from users is underwhelm. By the time you finish this primer, you’ll still only know a fraction of what lies within Wave, but I guarantee that you’ll have some actionable points of departure for making Wave useful and fun.

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How Not to Become an Overachiever

There’s something to be said about being too productive, which my WorkAwesome colleague, Mark Garrison, alluded to in a recent article, I’d say that the old adage “less is more” is the best practical approach to any workplace situation.  We’ve all heard the quality usurps quantity time and tie again, yet it seems as if we’re always trying to do more…better.  The problem is, you can’t do “more” better if you first don’t learn to do “less” best.  The practice of doing more stuff adequately is classic underachievement.  You take on so much and even if you manage to pull it off and appease your superiors you know deep down that you’re capable of much better.

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