Displaying All Posts from August, 2013

How to Use Social Media for Your Career Advancement

Is the time you spend on social media sites just for fun, business or a little bit of both?

For the young person looking to find that first really good job out of college, one of the bigger challenges is not having much of a record to fall back on.

Unlike someone who can tout their experience when it comes to moving up the career ladder, younger employees have to oftentimes do a better job of selling themselves, both in the initial resume and application process, and then again if and when they get an interview. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Steps to Beat Procrastination

It has been estimated that 20 percent of us have a chronic problem with procrastination. Why do we delay, defer, postpone or schedule? Who knows?

What’s important is that if you are ready (or if you think you might be ready tomorrow), then here are a few ways to help you get through the sometimes debilitating habit of procrastination.
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5 Reasons a Freelancer Should Use Helpdesk Software

Making a living as a freelancer isn’t child’s play. The variables are stacked against you, and time and again you can be forced into situations where it’s essentially you against the world.

At least that’s how it feels, right?

When you are going up against the whole planet and have clients who seem to be hell-bent on making your life miserable, you need the best helpdesk you can get to deal with what they throw at you.

Here are five reasons you need to use a helpdesk as a freelancer.
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Review: SaneBox – Stop Drowning in Email!

Your email inbox is one of the most necessary yet frustrating parts of your work life. It’s okay to admit it, you’re not alone in this boat.

Regardless of whether you are an employee, a business owner, or a solopreneur, email remains the primary method of interaction in modern business. Add to that your personal emails, forums, newsletters, and the occasional spam mail that makes it through your Gmail filters, and managing your inbox becomes a time-sucking endeavor.

Numerous books, methods, and software programs have been dedicated to solving this problem, and none are perfect, but SaneBox may be the closest thing to the perfect solution that there is. Click Here to Read Article …

Part Time Jobs: A Path to Entrepreneurship?

Some people have a negative perception of part time jobs. Low pay, no benefits, and lack of a prestigious title are connotations that leap to mind for many.

Life is a matter of perception, however, and being locked blindly into any perception can hinder your possible opportunities. What if you were to change your idea of the purpose of part time jobs? Perhaps they could be a valuable tool in reaching your goals and dreams.

With the recent clamor over McDonald’s employees petitioning and striking for double their current wages, it seems that more people are viewing fast-food jobs and other similar part time jobs as a permanent and viable position for the long haul. This might seem a ridiculous option to the ambitious class, but in the short term part time jobs could provide the time and flexibility to pursue other avenues with less stress.
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Layoffs – How to Navigate the Threat of One

It’s easy to say that within the past few years, the majority of the population has been affected by mass layoffs in one way or another. Whether you’ve been asked to pack your bags or you’ve seen how losing a job has adversely affected a friend or family member, it’s a tough situation to handle.

A few weeks ago I was in the midst of the layoff pandemonium as I watched coworkers clean off their desks and begin a frantic search for employment elsewhere. While I wasn’t the one laid off, I immediately went into panic mode, revamping my resume and crossing my fingers that I wouldn’t be blindsided sometime in the near future.

Then, after calming down a bit, I found myself hysterical again when another coworker filled me in on gossip she had heard around the office about more cutbacks. For me, and for most people dealing with this situation, it’s an adrenaline-filled roller coaster of emotion.

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How to Be More Productive by Thinking Like a Creative Entrepreneur

When I became a freelance writer and virtual assistant, I had no idea really of what I was doing. Back then I would have never admitted that, or for that matter imagined that five years later it would be a career. To say the least, it has been an uphill battle.

Somewhere along the way I seemed to have lost what my goal was for the future, however. I started to work as a freelancer because I liked to write and I wanted to promote my other creative projects. Once I got hooked on the money, mainly because changes in my life required me to generate it, I became a hardcore freelancer. You know, one of those people addicted to the next gig.

This new mindset really affected my ability to be more productive. Sure, I got work done, but the work was generic and I wasn’t really invested in it. This was no longer my idea of a dream job. Then recently, I decided to look at it all in a bit of a different way. Now I am no longer a freelancer, I am a creative entrepreneur.
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Introverts are Good for Business

We tend to think more highly of extroverts than introverts because they have the courage to be ‘out there’.

People like Donald Trump come to mind as a prime example of a super-motivated and self-confident extrovert. And despite the fact that he has lost many more fortunes than he has accumulated, we think of him as being highly successful as well.

That may be true, but new research and a few recent books have shed some new light on the strengths and the value of introverts in both society and the workplace.
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