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4 Apps to Manage Your Time

Do you have a lot to do but find yourself unable to get as much done as you wanted?

If so, you might need some help with time management.

Time management skills aren’t something everyone has.

Some of us don’t do well with a schedule and often lose track of time.

With a little practice and some useful tools, you can learn to manage your time more effectively. By doing so, your life will become a lot easier and, overall, more enjoyable. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Best Software to Integrate Video Conferencing Into Your Office

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If your business has any remote workers, the ability to communicate with your employees is an integral part of your success.

All of your workers are going to need to be up-to-date on topics discussed during meetings as well as informed of company goals and their responsibilities in achieving them.

Unfortunately, communicating this amount of information to all of your remote workers who may live in different time zones or have different schedules can quickly turn into a chore.

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution that is well within the reach of any business owner.

Video conferencing is by far the easiest way to make sure your remote employees have all of the information they need to succeed in your company, as it allows them full access to your company’s meetings wherever they are. Click Here to Read Article …

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Bring the Convenience of an Ecommerce Store to a Brick and Mortar Location

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Every business owner wants to increase their bottom line, and brick and mortar retail stores are no exception.

The overhead and competition with larger online markets can make it more difficult.

This may be one of the reasons why many businesses are unaware of the fact that those same online solutions can be brought into their location to make business run more efficiently.

These solutions can also help a business reap more profits.

The U.S. Small Business Administration recommends that businesses that have physical retail locations consider using ecommerce solutions to help them run their business. Businesses just need to learn more about the benefits ecommerce has to offer them and just how easy it is to implement and use these systems. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Awesome Research Tools for Freelancers (and Everyone Else)

If you are anything like me, researching a topic can take much more time than actually writing about it. If you don’t have some kind of system when you are doing your research, you can spend entirely too much time sifting through articles and data, which can really take a bite out your overall productivity.

There are more tools available to you to accomplish this kind of efficiency than you could ever make the time to look through and evaluate, so it’s a good thing I’m here to help you move in the right direction, and it’s also a good thing I’m not charging you by the hour to do it – I could really rack up a padded time sheet if I went back and added it up.

Instead, I’m going to give you my top 5 tools for online researching for the low, low price of free. My only requirement is that if you are still using Internet Explorer as your browser, you have to download Chrome or Firefox – right now, go ahead, I’m waiting. Got it? Okay, now delete IE from your computer and swear that you will never again do anything so ridiculous. Then move forward with the article, knowing that most of these tools are Chrome extensions or at least have Chrome extensions in addition to the full apps. Click Here to Read Article …

Let’s Get SaaS-y

Thomas Friedman wrote that the earth is flat. He made this claim over 7 years ago, and it is becoming more and more true every day. With the rise of companies offering their Software as a Service (SaaS), usually cloud-based applications, companies no longer need to be in the same office to do day to day business. They don’t even need to be in the same country for that matter.

The rise of these applications being sold as a service has been brought on because of the many advantages provided. The first, and most obvious one, is that you do not have to install anything to use it; most SaaS applications are cloud-based and can be accessed using any web browser.

Another clear advantage is that updates are done centrally, therefore the user does not have to update anything to use the current version of the software. This also eliminates the concern about compatibility with certain hardware and operating systems.

And finally, some SaaS applications are designed to integrate with an existing software to make it more user-friendly. These applications cover everything from accounting services, to customer relationship management (CRM), to sales and marketing.

What do some of these applications do? Here are a few examples that range the SaaS spectrum:

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5 Reasons a Freelancer Should Use Helpdesk Software

Making a living as a freelancer isn’t child’s play. The variables are stacked against you, and time and again you can be forced into situations where it’s essentially you against the world.

At least that’s how it feels, right?

When you are going up against the whole planet and have clients who seem to be hell-bent on making your life miserable, you need the best helpdesk you can get to deal with what they throw at you.

Here are five reasons you need to use a helpdesk as a freelancer.
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Recruitment Software Saves Time and Money

Whether you are the HR person for a company or you actually run a recruiting service which helps HR departments find good candidates for their positions, keeping track of the plethora of applicants can be a daunting task.

This becomes even more of an issue when the job market is soft, as it has been for the last few years. With the new standard for applying for a position being the submission of a resume or CV online, that stack of applicants can really become overwhelming fast. To counter this problem and make the process move smoother, many companies and headhunters have taken in recent years to using recruitment software.

Just as cloud storage has made the filing, filtering, and sharing of work documents easier and quicker, recruitment software has done the same for the massive numbers of resumes flying around the interwebs. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Must Have Mobile Apps for Freelancers

As a freelancer, you already understand how difficult it can be to juggle the various aspects of working completely for yourself.

Freelancing offers the freedom of being able to travel when you need to, whether it’s for business or pleasure.

However, it can be easy to slip on things like following up with emails and getting back to potential clients when you are not in your workspace. The tedious administrative side of things can be a pain, but it doesn’t have to be quite as difficult if you have the right tools in your toolbox. Here are five that you may find useful. Click Here to Read Article …