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Choosing and Using an Ergonomic Chair

If you work from home or have a small office, you probably don’t have someone on staff to make sure your work space is ergonomically correct. But you can do it yourself. A little bit of attention to the relationship between your body and your desk can make a huge difference.

I don’t know about you, but I can tell when I’m stressed at work. My shoulders tighten to the point of severe pain and I start complaining about needing a massage. Some people prefer to visit a chiropractor for an adjustment when they feel that their body isn’t quite right.

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Top 50 Accessories for a Geek Chic Desk

You spend a lot of time at your desk. Why not furnish it to suit your style?

While cluttering your desk with a ton of stuff is never a good idea, decorating it with the right stuff that keeps you productive and happy is important. Doing so also makes your desk both functional and fun and is a great way to keep your morale up when things aren’t going as awesome at work as you’d like.

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Busting Down the Office Door

Busting Down the Office Door

The conventional wisdom for remote workers with families is that it is essential to create clear separation between work time and family time. “Make sure you have an office with a door, and keep that door closed during business hours”. But what would happen if we turned that wisdom on its head?

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5 Personal Management Skills for Being Awesome

Why is it that we allow the everyday hustle to impede our progress in becoming the ultimate warrior of our professional lives through successful personal management? Some people even allow personal management to take a backseat to the results produced by their actions, claiming their success as evidence contrary to their need for better personal management techniques. What these people fail to realize is by failing to practice personal management skills they are failing to become elite and productive ninjas of efficiency in their work life.  All that is required is the honing and polishing of five simple personal management skills for being awesome!
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WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 2

WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 2

This week’s episode of the WorkAwesome podcast features an interview with ZURB’s Chief Instigator, Bryan Zmijewski that was conducted just after the release of their new web service, Verify. Host Mike Vardy also delves into the world of iPad and iPhone productivity including what’s now possible with the recent updates in the iOS — as well as the endless discussion about paper vs. digital task management.

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Top 10 Coolest PowerPoint Slideshows on Slideshare

Top 10 Coolest PowerPoint Slideshows on Slideshare

As the World’s Best Presentation contest on SlideShare comes to a close, we thought we’d share with you our thoughts on the top ten coolest PowerPoint slideshows. We’ve already featured Jesse DesJardins — and he sets the bar pretty high — so while he’s not on this list, you should check out his work. It was used as a benchmark of sorts when this list was put together.

The “coolness” factor is based no information given and in the manner in which it is delivered. There’s a mix of traditional presentations along with some of the more “graphical” ones that are becoming very popular. Since the hallmark of a great presentation is for it to convey a message on its own, we’re going to let each one do just that.

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The Netsetter: Interview with Danielle LaPorte

The Netsetter: Interview with Danielle LaPorte

On this week’s installment of The Netsetter at WorkAwesome, Thursday Bram talks with Danielle LaPorte, who is a well-known writer, speaker and business/strategic advisor. Danielle’s a very busy woman with a lot of things on the go – we’re glad she was able to take the time to speak with us recently.

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The Manager’s Guide to Increasing Employee Productivity

The Manager’s Guide to Increasing Employee Productivity

A high demand for the employee productivity lacking in today’s workforce leaves management teams wondering exactly what to do. The dazzling distractions of a high tech world constantly bombard the work environment. Employees are so busy texting, “tweeting” and updating their Facebook statuses that employers are left with unfinished assignments, missed deadlines, and wasted financial resources. Increasing employee productivity should be on the forefront of any managerial mind.

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